Chapter 4: Day 023

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[[ Phone call ]]

- Incoming call from Guzmán –

Nadia: Hello, Guzmán.

Guzmán: Good morning, Nadia. Happy birthday!

Nadia: Thank you. You remembered!

Guzmán: You expected me to forget? {laughs}

Nadia: {laughs} Birthdays have never been a big deal to me.

Guzmán: Well, your birthday is a big deal to me.

Nadia: Thanks. I wish I could spend it with you.

Guzmán: We're having our little own virtual celebration here.

Nadia: Oh, right. In that case, may I ask where my birthday gift is?

Guzmán: Hang on while I put a bow on myself.

Nadia: {laughs} Silly!

Guzmán: {chuckles} What? Am I not good enough of a gift for you?

Nadia: No, you'd be the best gift of all. If only you could appear in front of me now.

Guzmán: I would really like that too, Nadia. If only it were possible.

Nadia: Getting a phone call from you is a pretty good gift too.

Guzmán: I'm glad. So how will you be celebrating your special day?

Nadia: I'll be hitting the library on campus.

Guzmán: What?! That's no way to be spending a birthday.

Nadia: I need to get some work done. I want to be as prepared as possible when the semester officially starts.

Guzmán: I have no doubt you're going to be a superstar student in all of your classes.

Nadia: I will do my best, but I can't take anything for granted. Columbia U is a whole new playing field. There will be so many smart people from all over the world.

Guzmán: And you'll no doubt be the smartest of them all.

Nadia: You're no doubt my biggest fan. Thank you, Guzmán.

Guzmán: Anytime, Nadia.

Nadia: Is there anything new with you?

Guzmán: Well, I've grown about ten times more handsome since you last saw me. That's for sure.

Nadia: Ahh. Duly noted on that. Apart from that, though?

Guzmán: Hmm. Nothing new to report, really... There is something, but it's such a tiny thing, I don't know if it's even worth mentioning...

Nadia: No, tell me. No news is too small.

Guzmán: Okay. So recently there's this girl who keeps visiting your family's store...

Nadia: Oh?

Guzmán: Yeah. She would come in to buy random things each time, like a can of beans or two lemons.

Nadia: Right. It's only normal when someone comes into the store to buy something like asparagus.

Guzmán: {laughs} Fine. Go ahead and make fun of me.

Nadia: I would never dare to. {laughs} But please, continue your story.

Guzmán: Yes, so this girl. I think... I mean, I can't be a hundred percent sure, but... I think she likes me.

Nadia: Ahh. Well, do you like her back?

Guzmán: What? Nadia, no! Of course not. You know who my heart belongs to.

Nadia: Ander?

Guzmán: Ha. Ha. Very funny.

Nadia: I'm sorry. I will try to be serious here. What's the name of this girl?

Guzmán: Elisa.

Nadia: So Elisa is constantly at the store?

Guzmán: Yeah. Apparently she asked Omar what time my shifts were.

Nadia: And how does she act around you?

Guzmán: Uhh, she can be flirty sometimes. And she likes to touch my arm when she talks to me...

Nadia: Oh wow. Looks like you definitely got a new admirer.

Guzmán: I don't care about that. She doesn't mean anything at all. But I thought I'd just be truthful with you about things that are going on around here.

Nadia: I appreciate it. I do. But Guzmán...

Guzmán: Yes, Nadia?

Nadia: If – if ever, you feel like you might fall for someone else...

Guzmán: I won't.

Nadia: But if you do... I want you to know that it's perfectly fine. I don't own you.

Guzmán: That's what you think. Don't you know you own my heart?

Nadia: And you have my heart. But we need to be realistic and acknowledge the fact that we're thousands of miles apart.

Guzmán: It doesn't matter. I gave you my word, remember? I'm going to wait for you, Nadia.

Nadia: I hope you know that you're making me tear up.

Guzmán: No, you shouldn't cry on your birthday.

Nadia: I can manage that as long as you don't say so many touching sweet words.

Guzmán: {laughs} No promises on that.

Nadia: I'd better go now.

Guzmán: Okay. Take care, my gorgeous birthday girl.

Nadia: You too, Guzmán. Take care. Bye.

Guzmán: Bye.

RESCUE // GUZMÁN x NADIA 【 élite 】Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat