Chapter 13: Day 095

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[[ Whatsapp ]]

Guzman: Hi Nadia

Guzmán: Here's wishing you a fantastic first day in uni tomorrow

Guzmán: You're going to do great! 🤩🥰

Nadia: Thank you, Guzmán 💗 

Nadia: And school is starting back for you, yes? Tomorrow too?

Guzmán: Yeah 🙄🙄🙄

Guzmán: Can you detect my overflowing enthusiasm?

Nadia: Lol

Nadia: Hope it goes well for you 😘

Nadia: Tell the gang I said hello and that I miss them lots

Guzmán: I will

Guzmán: Is there someone in particular that you miss the most?

Nadia: Hmm let me think...

Guzmán: 😲

Nadia: You're silly

Nadia: And I miss you the most

Guzmán: 😊

Guzmán: It's late, I should hit the sack now

Nadia: Okay

Nadia: Good night, Guzmán 🌙

Guzmán: Nite, Nadia ⭐

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