Chapter 8: Day 065

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Nadia: Guzmán... Lu has decided to leave NY and return to Madrid 😞

Nadia: She'll be flying back with her parents tonight

Nadia: And her father spoke about sending Lu for therapy at some scary high-security psychiatric hospital in Zurich

Guzmán: What? That's cruel

Guzmán: She needs her family by her side, not a team of shrinks who will dissect her every word and action

Guzmán: This is bullshit

Guzmán: Her parents were never good people in the first place, but this is too much 😠

Nadia: I know, Guzmán

Nadia: I'm really upset too, but her parents won't listen to anything I say

Nadia: And Lu has completely shut down, she won't talk at all

Guzmán: You've tried your best, Nadia

Guzmán: I'll look for Lu the minute she's back in Madrid

Guzmán: Her mother likes me

Guzmán: Maybe I can talk some sense into her and convince her not to send Lu away

Nadia: Yes that sounds like a good idea

Nadia: I'm such a wreck right now

Nadia: I couldn't sleep at all

Guzmán: Nadia, you must take care of yourself first and foremost

Guzmán: Okay?

Guzmán: Don't make me worry.. I would fly to NY to drag you back to Madrid too

Nadia: Haha please do

Nadia: I don't know what the hell I'm doing here, Guzmán

Guzmán: Breathe, Nadia

Guzmán: I'm here to support you

Guzmán: And classes will start soon, yes?

Guzmán: You'll look forward to that

Guzmán: All the new things you'll learn, all the tests you'll ace

Nadia: I hope so...

Guzmán: I know so

Nadia: Guzmán you're honestly the best thing in my life 😭

Guzmán: I'm honored to hold that position in your life 😉

Nadia: No, I mean it

Nadia: Thank you for, well, being you

Nadia: Let's have a call to catch up properly soon, okay?

Nadia: I'm aware I haven't asked about your news at all

Guzmán: Everything is fine here, don't worry 🙂

Nadia: Okay 🙂

Guzmán: Just focus on getting more rest and less worrying, won't you?

Nadia: I'll try

Guzmán: That's an order, my dear 😛 

Nadia: Bossy

Nadia: Okay, I promise to

Guzmán: That's my girl

Nadia: 😀 Bye Guzmán

Nadia: Talk again soon

Guzmán: Take good care of yourself Nadia

Nadia: You too

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