Chapter 6: Started A War

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Me and Rose sat outside Kevin's house in my car. I was to panicked to ask her anything so we sat in silence. "You still with us Heaven?" Rose asked.

"He's a werewolf." I said.

"We went over this like 20 times. Yes, Kevin is a werewolf." she said. A knock came on my windsheild and I screamed. Royce was standing there looking cold. Rose opened the door and she moved to the back so he could fit. Rose handed him a box and he took it. "Hey Heaven." he said. I looked in his direction, but said nothing. "She's been like that since we got here." Rose said.

"I wanna give you your birthday gift." he said.

"What's the point?" I asked. He handed me the box and I took it.

"Open it." he said.

"He worked hard on it." Rose said. I opened the box and there sat a ring. The ring looked like it came from the past, but was slightly updated. "It's beautiful." I said.

"That's good right." he said.

"Yes." I said. Before I could control myself I kissed him. He pulled me closer to him and I threw my arms around his neck. Best worst Birthday ever. Royce pulled away and then looked at Rose. "We have to go." he said.

"What why?" I asked.

"Kevin just started a war. You'll be better safe here." he said. Royce grabbed my arm and bent it to make a snap. I screamed in pain and yanked my arm away. I threw the ring at his eye and then he was gone. I looked in the backseat for Rose, but she was also gone.

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