Chapter 19: Normal

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I woke up to see more concerned faces. I was really getting tired of falling flat on my face only to be babied when I woke. "Stop looking like that." I said.

"Like what?" Royce asked.

"I can't do this. This whole supernatural world." I said.

"Heaven." Kevin said.

"Stop. I won't say a word to anyone if you just let me go home." I said.

"Are you asking to leave us?" Rose asked.

"I'm asking to go take my life back." I said. Royce took a seat on the couch and put his head in his hands. I sat beside him and began to rub his back. "Why?" Royce asked.

"I'm sick of all of this crap. I was normal and that's how I like it." I said.

"Boring?" He asked.

"Regular. Sure all this was thrilling. You know the fact that I almost died and keep passing out." I said sarcastically which earned me a laugh from Faith.

"I can't give you normal or regular." He said.

"Sure you can. You can let me leave and go live it." I said.

"You want to leave us?" He asked.

"What us? Your the reason that I almost died, twice." I said standing up now enraged.

"My fault." He said.

"Yes, you bit me if I remember correctly. Then had Jay follow me." I said pointing to Jay.

"I want no part in this." Jay said holding his hands up in surrender.

"What makes you think that Michael won't come back after you?" Kevin asked.

"If he does then I have my powers should I need them." I said.

"So your talking about leaving all of this?" He asked gesturing around.

"I never wanted this. You brought me into this and I swear that you better be able to take me out." I said.

"I'll take you home?" Royce said.

"No, I'll take her. You'll probably go crazy." Faith said.

"Thanks." I said grabbing my jacket and walking towards the door.

"I hope this makes you happy." Royce said.

"It will as long as I have nothing to do with this life." I said and left.


Faith pulled up to the house and I hugged her. "I'm going to miss you." I said.

"Me too." Faith said.

"Will you still be my guardian?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm always looking out for you Heaven." She said.

"I'm sorry about this. Leaving the whole supernatural world." I said.

"Heaven, you can avoid it, but never can you ever leave it." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The things you know will never go away. Just bury themselves deep into your mind." She said.

"As long as I'll never think about them." I said.

"Whatever makes you happy is what I'll support." She said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Be safe." She said.

"You too." I said and opened the car door.

"Whenever you want to come back I'll be there." She said.

"Sure." I said sarcastically and got out of the car. Once shutting the door Faith pulled off and I watched her car disappear down my block. I turned towards my house door and opened it. This is what I wanted. My normal life back without any trace of anything supernatural. 

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