Chapter 2: The Party

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We pulled up to this club that seemed amazing. It looked so very quiet from the outside. There was no music nothing just the breeze blowing my hair. When I told my dad I was going out with Kevin he gave me my birthday gift early. It was contacts that I had been begging for. Kevin loved taking me to different places. I was wearing a dress with a thin grey sweater and ankle boot heels. This was something that I wasn't used to, but could get used to. Kevin headed towards the front of the club when I grabbed his arm. "I'm on 16." I said. I knew that I had to be 18 to get in and 21 to drink because I wasn't an idiot and I knew that there was no way the guard would let me in. "Trust me, Heaven." he said. I did trust him with my life if you asked anyone so I loosened my grip on his arm as we walked to the front. Kevin looked a the guy and then they guy nodded for us to go inside. "What did you do?" I asked.

"I told you to trust me." he said. I smiled and we walked inside. I heard little music which is what confused me, When we reached a door Kevin opened it and music boomed out. I had to fight the urge to cover my ears and run out. I had never been to a club before and I didn't want to embarrass myself or Kevin. I tightened my grip on his arm as we walked over to the bar. "Can I get two Martini's. One with alcohol and the other without." he said. The bartender nodded and did as Kevin said. Kevin took the Martini's off the counter and handed me one. I took it, but didn't drink it as Kevin gulped his down. "Kevin." I said.

"Relax yours didn't have alcohol." he said and made his way to the dance floor leaving me there alone. I sat the cup back on the bar and moved past the crowd of hormonal teenagers. Why couldn't I be like them? I went to the back and closed a door so the music was silenced. Whoever owned this placed made sure when they wanted silence they got it. Another door lead to the back exit. I went through it and sat on the step. It was a beautiful night and I was trapped here. I loved that Kevin took me out tonight, but he left me alone as if I was ruining his fun which I hated doing. I laughed at myself always trying not to act a fool and doing so anyway. I sat down on the step letting the wind cool me off. "Not enjoying yourself?" someone asked. I looked up and saw a handsome guy my age looking at me. "Not really my scene." I said.

"Why are you here then?" he asked.

"My friend." I said admitting the real reason I was here. I was here to be a good friend to Kevin. He smiled and my heart fluttered literally. No guy ever made my heart flutter. "It pains me to see a beautiful girl like yourself not having fun at my party," the guy said.

"Your party." I said shocked. This guy was probably the same age as Kevin and he owned a club.

"My parents let me throw a party here." he said.

"Why aren't you enjoying your party?" I asked.

"The same thing happens every year. They party I get bored and sit out here until everything goes down." he said.

"I see." I said.

"This year it's different because your sitting there." he said. I stood up about to leave when he gestured me to stay. I sat back down and he sat next to me. "Let's go." I said hearing Kevin's voice only he was angry. "Kevin." I said.

"Royce leave her alone." Kevin said and made an inhuman growl.

"Make me." the guy sitting next to me said.

"Let's go." Kevin said. He was my only ride home so I stood up and began walking over to Kevin.

"It was nice meeting you. Sorry about this." I said.

"Nice meeting you too." he said not taking his eyes off of Kevin. Kevin swung his arm over my neck as we walked towards his car. "What was that about?" I asked.

"Nothing." he said.

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