Special Chapter

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Chapter 12:

Ella POV

"Ella stop." Alexis said. I was surrounded and there was no way out for me. I knew this day would come sooner or later, but I never expected to see the day when both Kevin and Royce worked together. Maybe Michael was right when he said that that girl would give him ultimate power. "If your going to kill me just do it." I said. "I wish I could, but you know where Heaven is." Royce said.

"You die and then you go there if you have a pleasant soul." I said.

"Not that Heaven the girl Heaven." Rose said. "You mean that girl that Michael wanted." I said.

"Yes." Royce said.

"What's so special about her?" I asked.

"She's my mate." Royce said.

"She's the chosen one." Kevin said.

"The chosen one." I said.

"Yes, we can't let him get her power." Kevin said. "How do you know she's chosen?" Jay asked. I remember seeing him hanging around Royce and his pack, but man was he looking good enough to eat. This can't be happening to me. A wolf only thinks about someone else being gorgeous only when that someone is their mate which means that Jay Porter is my mate. Could my life get any worst. Don't get me wrong, Jay is a sweet guy, but I'm not that sweet girl that he deserves. "I can't tell you where he is if that's what you want." I said.

"I want my mate safe." Royce said.

"All Michael wanted was his fair share of land now he wants the power and she's going to give it to him." I said.

"All of this over some land. I'll never understand pack life." Alexis said.

"Neither will I." I said.

"Are you going to help us or not?" Rose asked. "I can't." I said.

"What do you mean you can't." Royce barked. Within a flash Jay was a wolf standing in front of me protectively. "Yo man calm down." Kevin said.

"I'm sorry. I'm going crazy with worry." Royce said. "I wanna help believe me, but I can't. I gotta protect myself when all of this happens. He wants a war." I said. "Taking her is just going to make it harder on his pack." Royce said.

"The way he sees it is that you two will eventually turn on each other and wage a war with only your packs. When you die he'll convince her that she should use her gift. She'll use it and he'll gain power and take over all the land he wants." I said.

"What did he promise you?" Jay asked when he turned back to normal. "Safety." I said.

"Heavens power can't be controlled by anyone not even her. My job was to protect her until she turned 18 when she'd fall in love with a human and never had to use or discover her gift." I said. "That's why you got pissed that we were talking?" Royce asked.

"Yeah." Kevin said.

"If I can help I will, but only because I like my life." I said.

"As a rogue without family." Rose said.

"At least I'm free and don't have to worry about the future." I said.

"Sometimes it's good to worry." Alexis said. "Look he's not going to hurt her on purpose." I said.

"What do you mean purpose?" Royce asked. "Does she have a sharp tongue?" I asked.

"Yeah." Kevin asked.

"He's an Alpha with the attitude so just worry about that." I said.

"Your coming with us right." Jay said.

"I can't." I said.

"Royce will give you a home and pack." Jay said. "I will if you help us get Heaven back." Royce said. Now this was the choice I got to make for myself. Help them or leave them.

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