Chapter 21

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Ripper's POV
Fuck this.

Lilly hasn't looked my way since all of the men got back from the mission.

A few of Diablo's men have been spotted continuously on our city's borders, and for the past couple of days we have been trying to figure out how to apprehend them without being caught.

Today we were finally successful.

While the boys wouldn't let me do as much as I usually would have cause of my wound, we all were still able to give them a good ol' beat down and take them in.

Seeing the way Diablo's men are starting to be careless with whether or not they're seen is raising some suspicions from the club. Either they're trying to be caught, acting as bait, or are just stupid.

Not to mention we were still looking into how the one guy got into the compound and was able to shoot Lilly and me. A lot of us are positive that someone from the club let him in, otherwise it was simply impossible for him to have gotten that close without anyone knowing. And that was putting all of us on edge.

Alpha had Hacker tap into everyone's phones and see if they were having any suspicious conversations with anyone. No one did, but that didn't leave out the hookers that came into the bar from time to time. Hacker was also trying to look into it and see who had been in the compound since Lilly's arrival and no leads were to be found. Everyone was starting to get anxious at the thought of there being a possible traitor among us.

We knew that the girls were getting irritated with us keeping everything a secret, but none of us wanted them to worry about what we have been doing the past couple of days. However, we didn't think that they would be this upset with us.

Not one of the girls even looked at us when we walked in. A few of the older men walked over to where their wife and kids were playing and their old ladies didn't even acknowledge them. Only their kids did.

My girl was sitting with Raine, Jessie, and Miranda having a hushed conversation with them. Normally whenever we walk in she automatically looks at me and I can see an excited gleam in her eyes. Now, she didn't even bother to look my way.

"The laundry room is still full and the dishes are piled up in the sink. None of them have even bothered to do it," one of the prospects whispered to Alpha quietly. The only reason why I was able to even hear it was because I was standing right beside him.

Alpha nodded. "They're more upset than what we originally thought they'd be."

When we first started making up these plans, we had a discussion about whether or not we should tell the girls about it. Normally we tell them basically everything that we are going to do, but this time was different. Since there was the thought of there being a possible traitor amongst the club, the most trusted patched members were the only ones who knew of the whole plan. The others only knew the basics, and everyone else knew nothing.

So we knew that the ladies would get upset, but we didn't think that they would take it this far.

I watched as some of the older men who were trying to get their ladies to talk to them gave Alpha a fed up look. It was one where they were almost asking him advice on what to do. The rest of the guys were looking around at each other as well since none of us knew how to handle this properly. We were under strict orders from Alpha to not say anything, so unless we got permission from him we couldn't do anything.

Lilly got up and started playing with some of the kids. Watching her made me more and more anxious for the future. It's only a few more weeks until her 18th birthday, and everyone couldn't be more excited. I had something big planned, but I had to get her to talk to me first.

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