Chapter 10

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Lilly's POV

It had been 5 hours, and so far the guys have concluded that Bethany was only about an hour and a half away from the compound, and I had been on edge ever since I had been told that news.

I was barely able to stomach any of the food given to me, and Ripper had to constantly be with me in order for me to be calm enough to function. The first time he had moved away and I had lost physical contact with him I started to have a panic attack until I was pulled into his arms yet again.

It was agreed that I would stay downstairs for when my mother got here so the guys could put on a show, let her have zero suspicions before they take her to the cells that doubled as a torture chamber.

So there I was, five hours after hearing the news and I was laying on my bed with Ripper right beside me. Although, I was basically laying on Ripper as my head was on his chest and one of my legs was over both of his. One of his hands was playing with my hair as the other ran over my back gently. The feeling of his hands on me calmed my mind where I wasn't on the verge of breaking down every few seconds. I just wished I could hear what was going on upstairs, it would make this a lot easier on my anxiety.

I jumped when I heard a loud crash come from upstairs. Knowing that most of downstairs was soundproof made my heart speed up, knowing that the crash had to of come from something very big and loud.

Ripper rubbed his hand up and down my back as he pulled me closer to him. His scent enveloped me, bringing with it a new sense of peace that I hadn't felt all day.

"What do you think is happening?" I asked him quietly as I lifted my head off of his chest to look at him, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm not sure who would be the one to break something that big out of your parents, but I bet your dad is probably ripping into her right now for what she did to you," he explained. I nodded and I laid my head back down on his chest once again.

A few more crashes occurred and it had been about an hour before everything was once again silent. The sound of my heart beating loudly was the main thing I could hear as footsteps approached the room we were in. Knowing it had to be one of the guys because my mother didn't know which room I was in relaxed me only slightly.

I had thought I'd been prepared for this day, but in reality I wasn't. My heart was beating so quick and loud I was positive that Ripper could clearly hear it.

The door to the bedroom opened and my dad walked in. The first thing I noticed were the tear marks on his cheeks, and the red coloration to his knuckles. I sat up quickly as he walked over to the bed. Before I even had the chance to say anything he pulled me in for a hug, his body shaking with silent sobs that he was trying desperately to hold in.

My hand rubbed up and down his back in a comforting way, knowing that he was probably in pain mentally from encountering his old love again.

It was still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that my mother wasn't always a cruel woman. From when I was younger I could barely recall the times that she was kind to me, because I was so young and I also had lost some of my memory from her beatings. It was difficult to comprehend that she had lived here, and that she had loved someone enough to want to have children with them.

Dad started to pull away and I let him, watching as he wiped the tears that were slowly making their way down his face once again. "What... what happened to her?" I asked slowly, my eyes flickering to his knuckles that were still slightly red.

He let out a deep sigh. "She came in here. I almost didn't recognize her at first. She tried to be nice to me, and tried to fake cry her way into having me forgive her for leaving, but when I started to get angry is when the act dropped. She started screaming about how I should take her back because I'm nothing without her, and then that's when she mentioned you, thinking that I didn't know that you were alive or that you even exist," he paused and as he looked into my eyes I saw the vast amount of pain that was showing. Pain that he had held back for many many years.

"After she told me that you were out there somewhere she was trying to figure out why I wasn't shocked. That's when I told her that I had met you already, and that I knew everything that she had done to you. That's why she started throwing things, breaking everything she could get her hands on. Then she tried to come after me with a knife that she had grabbed off of someone, and that's why the guys grabbed her and held her down. She started screaming at me and spitting on me. And Lilly I know you're probably not going to like this but that's when I hit her to knock her out because I just couldn't stand the things that she was saying anymore. I got so angry and I honestly don't regret it because of what that woman did to you, but I just don't want you to be mad at me," he finished, his eyes not looking back at me anymore as he stared at the ground.

I smiled softly at him and pulled him in for another hug. "I could never be mad at you for defending not only yourself but also me. If anything that woman deserves anything you do to her, even if you would've killed her up there I wouldn't be mad. I promise," I reassured him.

Dad grinned at me and tightened his grip on me. "Trust me darling, that woman isn't leaving here alive after what she did to you."

Hours later, I was finally able to bring myself to go back up to the bar with the coaxing of both my dad and Ripper. As soon as I stepped through the door the guys that were lounging around stopped and either smiled or waved at me. Looking around, I saw some stuff missing that had probably been broken, some scratches along the walls and I even saw a few scratches in the wood of the bar as well when I sat down. 

I ran my finger along one of the scratches in shock. How was she able to do this much damage?

Ripper came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders, comforting me in his own silent way. I turned around and saw Dad looking at the floor, still looking distraught. "She was able to make those scratches with the stuff that she threw everywhere. We cleaned it all up though so you don't have to worry about glass or anything on the floor," he explained, his voice quieter than normal.

I nodded, turning back around when Smiles set a cheeseburger and fries down in front of me. Slowly I dug in, feeling hungry but not in the mood to eat after seeing the damages. "Where is she right now?" I asked.

Dad gave me a wary look. "Lilly, I really don't think you want to know."

I shook my head. "Please?" I pleaded, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes I could muster.

Dad sighed. "She's in the shed that we have in the woods. It's where we bring people to torture them so no one in this building has to hear it if they don't want to," he explained. I nodded. Of course I was a little disturbed with that information, but it made sense and I couldn't bring myself to be mad at them for bringing my mother somewhere where they hurt people.

I leaned into Ripper's side and he put a arm around my shoulders. The warmth from his arm was a pleasant difference from my cold body. "One request," I told him.


I sighed. "I want to know why she chose to go insane like she did. I know she is still grieving the loss of my older sister but that doesn't explain why she chose to do the things she did. I want to be there to question her."

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