Chapter 8

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Lilly's POV
After the girls, a lot of the guys, and Dad left to go shopping, Ripper came down to my room and laid with me on the bed. His chest was against my back and his warmth soaked through and relaxed every one of my muscles.

I sighed, relaxing into his hold. "Lilly?" Ripper mumbled, breaking the comfortable silence.


"If I fall asleep I'm sorry," he chuckled. I giggled and turned around in his arms to face him. His eyes were slowly dropping shut, looking as if he was seconds away from passing out. I reached my hand up and gently stroked the side of his face. After a few moments his breathing evened out and I knew he was asleep.

My eyes skimmed over the dark bags that were under his own, and frowned as I wondered how much sleep he had gotten recently. My mind wandered back to the first night I had encountered him, and I recalled him saying that he normally didn't sleep through the whole night.

I stopped my hand from moving across his face anymore and snuggled closer to him, inhaling his scent deeply.

Before I knew it I was asleep as well.

I blinked open my eyes as I felt someone touching my legs. I looked down and saw Ripper at the end of the bed, staring down at my legs as he ran his fingers gently over one of the many deep scars that I had.

His expression was dark, filled with many emotions that were difficult to decipher. The one that stood most prominently was anger.

I watched as he focused on more scars before switching to the other leg and doing the same thing. My breath hitched as he leaned down to kiss the biggest and deepest one. His eyes shot up and they widened once he saw that I was awake. However, he seemed to relax almost immediately and he kept his lips pressed against my skin before beginning to kiss along the scar.

I watched, holding my breath as he crawled up my body, placing his arms on either side of me and holding himself up mostly. "Hey sleepyhead," he chuckled. I blushed bright red and covered my face with my hands.

I felt his chest vibrate with laughter as he laid most of his weight on me, burying his face into my chest with a content sigh.

Gently I ran my fingers through his hair, enjoying his presence and this moment of peace.

However not long after I got settled once more, loud heavy footsteps could be heard with multiple voices laughing at once. Ripper shot up and bolted to the door, opening it slightly to see who was out there before sighing and walking back over to me as Dad, Smiles, Ace, and Spider walked through the door carrying so many bags it was difficult to tell where they started and where they ended.

Smiles laughed when he saw my wide eyes and open mouth. "Don't worry little one, there's more on the way," he said, laughing harder when my eyes widened even more.

"More bags?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. They all nodded. Dad came over with a smile and pulled me into his arms.

"It's the least all of us can do for what you've gone through. And if it makes you feel any better, the girls picked out basically all of it and wouldn't let us get a say in anything," he laughed.

I giggled. I could so see them doing that.

I watched as the guys put down all of the bags and I got up to start organizing my closet. Hopefully everything fit inside of it.

I lost track of time and before I knew it I was moving onto the last couple of bags from Victoria's Secret. The items inside made me blush at how obvious it was that they were implying for me to sleep with Ripper.

Ripper - Hell Rider's MC #1 -Where stories live. Discover now