Chapter 1

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~There will be a lot of POV switching throughout the story in the beginning, but as the story develops there will be less switching throughout just one chapter~

Lilly's POV
I sighed in relief as I stepped into a small bar, the warm air chasing away the numbness of my limbs. I knew that I was in Ohio, but I was unsure of exactly where I was due to traveling through the night with the snow blizzards.

A shaky smile lit up my face as I spotted a fireplace by the center wall. Placing my coat down on the floor, I proceeded to sit in front of the fireplace as people in the bar looked at me as if I was an alien. I slowly relaxed as the chill in my bones slowly disappeared, replaced by the warmth from the fire.

However my relaxation did not last very long as a man standing close to seven feet walked up to me with a perplexed expression across his face.

"Ma'am, may I help you?" He asked, the deep tone of his voice caused me to flinch back a little, but I was still able to shake my head slightly as I pulled my knees up closer to my chest.

"No sir, I just needed to warm up for a bit and then get out of your way if that's alright?" I questioned, my voice slowly getting smaller as I noticed the amount of people that were watching our interaction. I started to question whether or not coming in here was a good idea after all.

The man crouched in front of me and slowly reached out to touch a strand of my hair that was now wet from the melted icy frost that was on it only a few moments ago. "Exactly how long have you been outside?" His expression took on one of worry, but his voice remained in the same deep tone as before.

I looked down at my knees as I tried to think of exactly how long I had been walking. I had hopped on a train and went for as long as I could, and then I was walking for days, taking breaks in alleys or in warm shops. But as to how long exactly I had been traveling for, I had no clue.

"What day is today?" I asked in a small voice. The mans eyebrows furrowed.

"January 28th, why?" My eyes widened. "Why does that matter?" He asked again, now looking more worried.

I shivered, curling into a tighter ball as the realization set in. "I um.... I've been traveling since December 3rd..." I answered, my voice trailing off as he tensed up. "Most of my travels have been from train though... so I haven't been walking in the snow for that long," I clarified, hoping to make the situation seem a bit better than what it actually was. However my words seemed to have little to no effect on him as his stance remained the same, his eyes darkening with emotion.

"Um I'm just gonna go then?" I whispered, moving slowly away from him as my heartbeat quickened for an unnatural pace. I felt the overwhelming need to get out of here for fear of what that man was going to do to me.

Just as I had fully stood up and made my move towards the door, my wrist was being grabbed gently but firmly in the much larger hand of the scary man. "A blizzard will start up soon. There's no way in hell I am allowing you to walk to who knows where in that." He stated firmly. Struggling to find words, I stared at him in shock. I've been in countless bars seeking shelter and none of them have reacted the same way as this man was reacting.

"I can get you new clothes and you can stay here for however long you need. Do you have anywhere that you are specifically trying to get to?" He asked, snapping me out of my shocked state.

I was about to nod when I saw the way he was staring intensely at me and I knew that he would know I was lying. So I slowly shook my head and watched as his jaw started to tick.

"Why are you traveling in this weather? Are you in danger?" He questioned, causing my heart to skip a beat as I hadn't prepared myself for him to ask that.

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