Chapter 4

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Ripper's POV
I grinned as the man in front of me looked at me with fear in his eyes. His body was shaking and he looked as if he was only seconds away from pissing himself. "Don't you know what happens when you piss me off?" I snarled. The only response I got was a pathetic whimper.

I leaned down closer to his face. "You're about to find out exactly why they call me Ripper."

Three hours later I was pulling my bike back into the compound with blood all over me. Walking in, everyone stopped and stared as I made my way over to the bar, ordering a large glass of whiskey from Smiles. He handed me my drink but then leaned over the bar.

"Did you hear?" He asked, his eyes bright with excitement. The smile that always seemed to be annoyingly plastered to his face never faltering.

"What?" I growled, not liking how close he was.

"Alpha took in a timid little girl after she came in to warm up. Apparently she's being hunted by someone, and everyone agreed today in church that she could stay here and we'd protect her. She's staying downstairs," he explained. I nodded. It didn't really surprise me that Alpha brought in someone, especially if it was a girl. I wasn't around when he lost his little girl and old lady, but I've heard stories and I can tell that he still holds a fatherly instinct towards women, especially if they're around the age of what his little girl would be.

I finished off my whiskey before heading downstairs to my room. My room was the last one down the hall on the left but when I looked at the room across from me the door was shut and it had an 'taken' sign on it. That must be where the girl was staying. I walked into my room and shut the door, stepping over the trash on the floor as I made my way to the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror as I looked at my face. The man staring back at me felt like a stranger. The voices in my head have quieted since I've killed but I know they'll be back soon, wanting more. Turning to the shower, I stripped and washed away the dirt and blood before stepping out.

I never bother with drying off anymore. I just walk over to my unkempt bed and pass out as exhaustion overtakes everything once again.

"Fuck," I groaned as I heard someone making noise in the hallway. Pulling on some boxers I opened my door, preparing to yell when my words got caught in my throat as I looked upon the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her long dark hair fell in small waves down her back and her bright blue eyes stared up at me in worry as I towered over her small frame. I looked down to see she had ran into a small table that was in the hallway, cradling her foot as she leaned against the wall for support.

"I'm sorry for waking you," she stuttered, her voice so soft and smooth it calmed me right down to my core, silencing the voices in my head.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, bending down and taking a hold of her foot so I could look at it. Only slightly bruised. She nodded and I felt myself harden as I watched her cheeks turn to a dark red, the blush spreading to her neck. I licked my lips and growled in approval as she grabbed onto my shoulders when she started to lose balance. Slowly I set her foot back on the floor and stood up.

"Again, I'm so sorry for waking you. I don't mean to be so clumsy," she apologized once again as she refused to look up at me. My body felt like it was on fire as her soft voice pierced through my head and all I could focus on was her. Never before had I reacted this way to someone in my life, and I didn't even know this girls name. This must be the girl that Smiles was telling me about, the one that Alpha took in.

I nodded in acknowledgment to her apology. "Don't worry. I'm surprised I slept for as long as I did anyways," I told her as I checked the time, seeing that I had been asleep for almost a whole night. Normally I could only sleep for an couple hours before I was woken up by a nightmare, or by the screams in my head demanding for someone's blood.

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