Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV
It was almost eight hours after both Ripper and Lilly had been brought into the clinic that the doors opened and Doc walked out, looking exhausted.

Everyone in the waiting room stood up from their seats as soon as he entered, all of them basically holding their breath for the news. Bryan and Smiles were right up front, staring at him with glassy eyes.

"How are they?" Bryan asked, his voice thick and layered with barely suppressed emotion.

Doc gave him and the rest of the people in the room a weak smile. "They'll be alright," everyone let out a breath of relief. "However, in both of them the bullets hit a major artery and they lost a lot of blood. We had to perform several blood transfusions and work fucking hard to close those arteries. Honestly, I won't sugar coat it. Those two are lucky to have made it out alive. Any time I've ever seen wounds like that it hasn't been good. But judging by how stable they are now, they should make a full recovery. We'll keep them under strict surveillance for the next week to see how they're healing if they're not awake by then. But whoever wants to see them can do so, I'm going to go take a nap." With that, Doc walked out of the room and left everyone to go through the door that he came out of and into the main medical center.

Along two of the walls line hospital beds, Lilly and Ripper occupying two of them right by each other.

Bryan and Smiles were the first two to walk into the room and up to the beds, followed by the rest of the club. The ones that were sent to the shed were still out there even several hours later.

Bryan choked out a sob and nearly collapsed onto the chair that sat beside his daughters bed once he got there, the sight of her fighting for her life shattering his heart to pieces and scattering it across the floor.

Memories were being brought forward in his mind and it was almost too much for the MC leader to handle. Meanwhile, Smiles sat in the chair at the side of Ripper's bed, trying his best to control his emotions from resurfacing again. Although, seeing his leader break down was making it hard for him to compose himself as well. The rest of the people in the room stood around, some sitting in other chairs by the other beds, or even sitting on some of the beds as they didn't want to leave the room.

Their hearts wanted blood, but their minds were more rational than that.
Third Person's POV ~still~
The next morning, several groans were heard as people started to wake up around the room.

Alpha had slept in the chair that was right beside his daughters bed, his hand in hers, and his head resting on the bed. Smiles had just leaned back in the chair that was next to Ripper's bed, his arms crossed over his chest and his head tilted back. The rest of the club had gone back to their rooms for the night, but Spider, Ace, Key, Jessie, Raine, and Miranda all crashed on the other beds in the room. Raine's husband Joker would've been there too but he was busy guarding the front gate.

The atmosphere in the room was tense and no one knew what to say that would make anything better. Watching Alpha crumble took a hit to them, as none of them had ever seen their club leader in such a state besides for his oldest daughter Adeline's death years ago.

Spider walked over to Smiles and Alpha and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

"These two are the toughest motherfuckers I know. They'll make it out just fine alright?" He spoke as he gave them each a couple pats where his hands rested. Even Spider didn't know completely what to say, and he normally always knew.

"Does anyone want anything to eat? I'm going to force myself to eat something," Jessie asked as she stood up. Everyone else shook their heads and she sighed as she walked out. She was planning on bringing food in there anyways so they didn't have to leave to eat.

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