Chapter 18

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Lilly's POV
I'm not sure what I expected to wake up to the next day, but it certainly wasn't waking up to multiple arguments about stuff that didn't even make any sense.

"No! The floor needs to be carpet, injuries could happen if someone were to fall!" Miranda screamed.

Dad groaned. "They aren't getting a new house for awhile. For fucks sake there's a bunch of hitmen on the loose!"

Jessie placed her hands on her hips. "You just don't want them to get a house because you don't want her out of your sight."


More screaming followed and I tried to block it out by burying my head under Ripper's arm, letting out a whine when that didn't work.

I felt Ripper stir awake and I waited a few moments. Shortly after he realized what was happening, he wrapped me in his arms and groaned loudly, silencing the conversation.

I peaked my head out and almost laughed at the guilty expression on everyone's faces.

"Hey darling, we're sorry for waking you two," Miranda apologized. "Although it wouldn't have happened if this man would just agree with the ladies."

Dad rolled his eyes and walked over to the chair that was placed on the side of the bed. Gently he took my hand in his own.

"How are you feeling today Lilly? And Ripper?"

Ripper didn't answer and I just slightly shrugged in response. "Not as bad as yesterday, but it still hurts," I answered. I looked next to me to see Ripper with his eyes closed again, his breathing steady and even. Smiling softly, I ran my fingers through his hair.

After talking for a few minutes, Doc walked in with a tray in his hands. Balancing it carefully, he walked over and placed it on the table near the bed. I could see several pill bottles on the tray.

"Hi Lilly how're you feeling today?" He asked quietly as he checked everything that he needed to.

"Better, but I'm still a bit sore. I'm not sure how Ripper is but I assume he's about the same as well," I was whispering as to not wake up Ripper again.

Doc nodded and turned to the tray once he had checked the vitals on both Ripper and me. "I have a variety of medication that you're welcome to take if you want. Obviously don't take all of them in one day. Just stick to one kind before moving on to the next if it doesn't work, or you run out. All of these are different strength pain medication that you can take based on how you're feeling on a given day." He then proceeded to explain to me which bottles contain which strength of medication, the side effects of each, and which ones to take at night if I do use them because they'll make me drowsy.

Once he was done he left the room after wishing us a good day.

"Do you wanna take any of these now?" Dad asked as he stood up and walked around the bed to the bottles.

I shook my head slowly. "The pain isn't that bad right now, but I'll let you know if that changes." He nodded and sat back down.

"What were you guys arguing about earlier?" I asked, remembering how their yelling woke the both of us up.

Miranda and Jessie smiled sheepishly and Dad looked down at his lap.

"Well you see," Jessie started, dragging out the words as she looked at the other two.

"Me and Jessie were having a very innocent discussion," Miranda chimed in.

Jessie nodded. "And your father took it the wrong way."

Ripper - Hell Rider's MC #1 -Where stories live. Discover now