Chapter 24

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Lilly's POV
My whole body ached. I had no clue where I was at, and all of my memories seemed to combine to form one big hazy ball that was hard to decipher.

I groaned as I opened my eyes. The light from my window shone through the curtain and landed directly on my face, causing the pain of my headache to increase.

Feeling movement from beside me, I turned my head and smiled as I saw Ripper curled up next to me. Dark bags were under his eyes and he had a deep frown on his face. Even in his sleep he still managed to look stressed.

I went to go turn onto my side so I was facing him, but whined loudly when my whole body erupted into excruciating pain. In seconds Ripper was awake and yelling for someone to come into the room. Doc, Dad, Smiles, Spider, Ace, Key, Miranda, and Jessie ran into the room.

Doc came over and checked me over before gently turning me to where I was laying on my back again. I could feel the burning from the whip still but the pain was less than when I was on my side.

"You have several ribs broken, and many lacerations all over your body. It's best if you don't try to move anything besides your head and maybe your hands for the time being so you don't cause yourself anymore pain than you already are in," Doc explained. I nodded slowly and looked over my body for time first time since the incident.

Now that I was more awake and alert I could recall everything clearly. I could still see everything that they did and said to me. My eyes watered at the last memory I had.

"Before I passed out," I stuttered. Tears started to leak down my face and Ripper gripped my hand gently in his. "Diablo was unbuckling... unbuckling his belt. Did he... did he..." I trailed off as I continued to cry, my silent question causing everyone in the room to tense.

"He didn't," Ripper assured me. "We got to you just in time."

His eyes were filled with tears and by the looks on everyone's face, they were in the same state.

"We almost lost you," Miranda cried.

"We spent hours trying to stop the blood. You were very lucky to have survived," Doc spoke softly.

I didn't even realize that I was still crying until Ripper wiped the tears from my cheeks.

I looked over to Dad to see him crying silently, staring at the multiple bandages that covered my body. Everyone saw where I was looking and walked out without a word, shutting the door softly behind them. Seeing me open my hand for him, he walked closer until he basically collapsed in the chair that was next to my bed, gripping onto my hand as if he was terrified I was disappear.

"I know what you're thinking," I whispered. He refused to look me in the eyes. "You blame yourself, when none of this is your fault. A war would've happened sooner or later between you and Diablo, that couldn't be helped. You can't control the greed of others," I spoke slow so I didn't risk hurting my ribs further. "You didn't know that Raine would betray the club. And even if you had your suspicions of someone it wouldn't have been her. Did Joker even know about it?" I asked.

"No," Dad choked out. "He had no clue."

"So even her husband didn't know." I whispered. "You couldn't have known. None of this is your fault. I know I don't blame you at all," I finished.

He looked down at me with teary eyes. "Lilly, I've almost lost you twice now. First you were shot and now this. I don't want you at risk of dying anymore because of your relation to me," he whispered. I could see his heart breaking the more he spoke. "I understand if you don't want to stay here anymore-"

"Don't," I interrupted. "Don't even. No matter what happens to me you will always be my father and that won't change. You've given me something I've never had before and that's the love of the people around me. I would never give that up no matter the risk."

Dad shook his head.

"I don't deserve that title. What kind of father can't protect his daughter?"

"You tried. Diablo even said while I was there that if it wasn't for Raine he would've never been able to get to me because of the protection you had around this place. And you couldn't have known about Raine. You did everything you absolutely could. Nothing is your fault and you can't keep blaming yourself."

"I promise you," Dad stated. "That I will do my damn hardest to make sure you are never in this sort of pain ever again."

I smiled. "I know."
After the discussion between Dad and I, he opened the door and let everyone back into the room. Ripper of course automatically crawled onto the bed beside me, careful to not touch any of my wounds.

"What happened to them?" I asked.

The girls bit their lip and I could see Miranda fighting back tears. None of the guys would look me in the eye.

"Diablo and Bethany were killed shortly after we got back. I didn't want them to be alive anywhere near here, even if we did chain them up in the shed. But," Dad hesitated.


He sighed. "We didn't kill Raine. We haven't even touched her since we got back. We have people guarding her cell to make sure she doesn't escape, but none of us have been able to bring ourselves to go see her. Joker hasn't stopped drinking either," he explained. "After we got back with her and she woke up, she saw him. He was helping unload Diablo and she started screaming for him to forgive her, to save her from her death that will eventually happen. It took a toll on him. He hasn't been able to speak a word to anyone without breaking down. He blames himself for not being able to see the signs sooner."

I shook my head. "He's not to blame either. You men need to stop blaming yourself for fucks sake," I laughed lightly. My joke seemed to work as everyone else cracked a small smile.

"Yeah boys don't worry so much," Miranda laughed, nudging Spider with her elbow.

"Us men will worry whenever it comes to you girls. Especially you three considering you like to cause us more stress than necessary," Ace chimed in, pointing at Miranda, Jessie and me.

We all gave them innocent looks.

"I have no idea what you're on about," Jessie said as she batted her eyelashes.

"Yeah we've never done anything wrong, right Lilly?" Miranda asked.

"Right," I laughed.
Laying in bed later that night, Ripper was playing with my hair and I was humming a random song that had popped into my head.

The atmosphere of the room was peaceful. The moonlight shone in through a small crack in the curtains, creating a faint glow throughout the room. The lighting and the feeling of Ripper fingers cascading through my hair relaxed both my mind and body, causing me to be relaxed for the first time in a very long time.

I believe that fate was looking out for me that night that I wandered into the bar. Religion was never something I was very strong about, but somehow I ended up in the right place at the right time. I made friends and found a family that loves me with all their heart. I have grown mentally  in ways that I never thought possible. And somehow in the midst of hate, death, and fear, I found love.

"What're you thinking about?" Ripper asked silently.

I smiled as I looked at him. "It's over now, isn't it?" I asked as I reached out and placed one of my hands on his cheeks.

"It's over."

Ripper - Hell Rider's MC #1 -Where stories live. Discover now