chapter 22

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We were called back into the court room; the judge had made the final decision.

The thought that I might be found guilty scared me, I wasn't scared before but now I was almost shaking.

"In the court of the law and the final decision, I find Jaydee Thompson guilty for the murder of Jesse Thompson and sentenced to 10 years to life!"

A smile appeared on my mother's thin lips.

"This cant be! I didn't do it! I'm just a kid! Please believe me!" I screamed at the judge.

Cuffs were put on my arms and I was taken out of the court room soaked in my own tears.

I was alone again. My whole life had just vanished before my eyes.

I would be dead before I ever got out of this place. No one would be on the outside waiting for me, not even Nicole, I don't care what Liz said, I knew she wouldn't be.

I sat outside on a bench shivering from the cool wind.

"Jaydee?" a voice whispered from behind me.

I turned around quickly. Jesse was leaning against the cold cement wall.

A smile spread across my face. "Jesse?" I asked a little confused.

"I am right here for you kiddo" he said with a smile

This had to be a dream. That was the only time I ever saw him. I pinched my arm but I didn't wake up. What was happening? He was still standing there.

"It's not a dream this time" he told me, taking a step towards me

I reached my arms towards him, and hugged him wishing I would never have to let go.

"It's going to be okay, Jaydee I have something to tell you"

I looked up at him with a smile.

"I am your Guardian Angel Jaydee"

I pulled my self away from him. "You're my what?" I asked confused.

"Your Guardian Angel" he said again

That is not even possible.

"Are you here to stay?" I asked.

"Yes, I will always be here"

At this point I didn't care what Jesse was, he was here with me and that is all that mattered. I just wanted to stay in this dream forever, as long as Jesse was right here with me.

"Everything will be okay sport, I promise"

I smiled hoping he was right.

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