chapter 13

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We walked down the street heading away from my house. I couldn't stand to look at it. It held to many dreadful memories. To many things I wish I could fix, and worst of all the last place I saw my brother alive.

Nicole broke the long silence.

"So where we going?"

I shrugged.

"Well, we could look for your mother; didn't you want to find her?" Nicole asked.

"I don't even know where to look though, that's the problem"

Nicole nodded in agreement.

My mother could be anywhere in the world. She could have changed her name, died her hair or even got plastic sugary. Finding her wouldn't be easy. We might never find her.

"So uh. I have to ask, but you seemed like you did everything with Jesse? Didn't you have your own friends" Nicole asked me as we walked the streets of downtown.

"Uh Jesse was really my only friend"

"Really? Why?"

"Well Jesse understood me, he was the only who knew what I was going through, and the thought of bring someone into that freaked me out so I didn't. I kept to myself and besides Jesse he was my hero! I was safe with him, And he rather that I stuck with him, then he knew I was safe. Jesse had lots of friends, but he kept our secret from them, Sometimes I talked to them but never got close to anyone"

Nicole nodded. "Oh that makes sense"

I looked at him and smiled but said nothing.

Nicole and I kept silent as we walked. We were free, there was no one yelling at us, no one beating us and no rules. How long would this last?

People looked at us as we passed by them. Maybe they knew who I was. Maybe they knew the story of what happened inside my house. This town wasn't the same anymore; I could feel it as I walked past each person look after look, street after street. I wasn't the same anymore.

Nicole brushed her hand across mine and I glanced up at her as she twisted her fingers though mine.

"Nicole?" I asked, wondering what to do.

She ripped his hand away from mine.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that"

I shook my head. "It was fine, but why did you do that?"

Nicole didn't look at me.

"Because, never mind. Pretend it never happened"

I nodded and tired to forget about it.

I felt like a bagger on the streets. Waiting for someone to give me a sign that there is still hope and love in the world. Wanting to change just one thing, but nothing could be changed. Everything done in life was set in stone and stone does not break. It can not undone.

It started to get dark and less and less people crowed the streets. In fact the more we walked the farther and farther away we got from town.

"Nicole do you have some sort of plan?"

"Plan for what?"

"Well, where are we going?"

"Wherever we stop I guess"

That could be all night. I was starting to get tired but I pushed it away and continued to walk beside Nicole into the unknowns. Nicole looked wide awake and if she could walk until morning but I knew that I couldn't I had to stop somewhere and soon.

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