chapter 6

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I still hadn't gotten rid of the fear, but I tired to pretend that I was brave, as the van stopped outside large gates, they buzzed us in and we drove through and I looked out the window. I felt trapped, There was nothing her but a brick building with high sliver fences. There was few windows and it already looked like a horrid place to be. This is where I was going to live...

The cop pulled me violently out of the van and held me while he waited for the prison guards.

I didn't smile but I kept my head held high and pretend I had no fear.

Two prison guards walked out, both men, they took my hands from the cop and walked me into the building. I glanced over my shoulder. A tall beautiful woman guard followed us closely.

The walls were an ugly gray cement color and it was dull and plain. We entered a room, where I was told to strip so they could search me. I tired to tell them that I had nothing to hide but I guess they still had to do it. It was scared to death and I felt so exposed being unclothed. When It was finally over, they through me a pair of grey sweat pants and a tanned tank top and a sweater that was two sizes to big for me and a pair white runners.

"You've got 2 minutes to put those clothes on!" the male guard told me.

I waited for him to walk out. The woman officer remained.
I glanced at her, wishing she would leave.
"Just get it done with, in this place you just have to suck it up, because you are always been watched here, weather it be by staff or the woman, so get used to it kid"
I pulled on the pants and the two shirts, tired up my runners and took a long deep breath. Jesse would not be scared, so I could not be scared. At least don't show it, inside I was screaming with fear. It took everything in me not to cry.

The woman officer took my by the shoulders and pushed me back into the hallway. She followed behind me and took me into a room. There was a three woman in the room, sitting at a table talking. They stopped talkin when we entered. There was four rooms, I could see inside one, there was a small mental single bed with a grey blanket and one pillow and a wooden desk and a sink and a sliver toilet, posters stuck up with tape.
"Ladies, meet your new cell mate, This is Jaydee Thompson, she will be joining you"
Only one of them smiled, I did not smile back.
The guard stepped into a room, the walls were bare, ugly and white.
"This is your cell, it is your job to keep it clean"

I nodded.
"You will be assigned a job but in the mean time get comfortable" The guard walked away and left me alone.
I did not know what to say to the woman, They did not look mean. but they still scared me. I turned around and I walked out of the room, into the hallway, I followed the signs leading outside. Some fresh air would do me good.

I stood outside alone trying to hide my fear.

I can do this, I'm tough! I kept repeating the words over and over in my head.

I took a deep breath as two woman walked towards me. I didn't know why but I stiffed up and repeated the words again to my self.

I didn't smile at them; I just leaned against the building and gave them a hard tough look.

One of the woman smiled at me and ran her fingers along my arm. Than backed away a step. They were tough looking, the one was a curvy woman with short spiked hair, she looked like she could take me out with one hit. The other was a little thinner with greying hair.

"Well, aren't you a doll. What you do to get your pretty little butt in here?"

I wasn't sure what to say. But I was in here for something.

Something I didn't do, but I wouldn't be so tough if I told the truth.

"Murder, so you better watch your back"

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