chapter 14

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We started to come up with plans about finding my mother, we both knew it wouldn't be easy but we tried our best to come with a plan.

My stomach growled with hunger at the same time Nicole's did.

"We need food; I am dying of hunger here!" I told her.

We were sitting in central park, under a large maple tree.

People laughed and spoke to one another, birds flew around scoping the ground for food and children played on the playground happily.

"Yes, I agree"

"One thing though, we have no money and food costs money"

Nicole bit her bottom lip.

"We could steal from that supermarket across the street" she suggested.

"That isn't such a good idea since we are runaway from prison"

Nicole nodded.

"Jaydee, There is no other option, it's this or nothing"

I took a deep breath and felt my gut rising up telling me this was wrong.

"Alright, let's go than!"

The door dinged as we walked in. We went all the way to the back of the store where the sandwiches and drinks were kept.

"Go on then, pick what you want" Nicole said picking up a ham and cheese sandwich.

I grabbed a Chicken Caesar salad wrap. Nicole grabbed two bottles of water. I looked around us there was no one near enough to see.

She stuffed them into her bag and than grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the store as quick as she could.

My heart was beating so fast, I felt so scared; I was sure someone would come out after us!

I looked back only to see shoppers going in and out with paid food, unlike us.

We sat back down under the tree and didn't say anything as we ate.

I wondered if we were wanted, maybe we were on the news by now. Newsmen telling the world how prison inmates escaped and must be found and brought back to where they belong!

That's what they would say about us, that prison is where we belong!

Nicole crumbled up her wrapper and looked at me as I took the last bite of my wrap.

We opened our waters and they cracked as the seal broke.

My stomach was full and the cold water felt good against my dry throat.

I twisted the cap back on and stuck it in my bag.

Nicole's water was half gone already, she twisted the cap back on and put it into her bag.

"I remember just a few blocks from here, there is a café maybe we could get jobs there" Nicole said getting up.

I stood up and we put our bags over our shoulders.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me along beside her as we walked.

I counted the blocks from the park; on block two I could see a little blue house with a sign reading "Cherry Hill café."

We opened the door and walked in.

People at the tables looked at us as we walked in.

I bet we looked gross and out of place.

"Let me do the talking" Nicole told me.

I nodded.

We sat down at an empty table and waited for the waitress to come to us.

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