chapter 17

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As we turned on to my street, shivers crept up my spine. I could see my house and I took a deep breath wondering if I could actually do this.

We stepped up to the door and Nicole stroked her hand across my back.

I twisted the knob and we stepped inside. I felt as if I just wanted to run and give up but I knew I had to look.

"Where do we start?" Nicole asked shutting the door behind her

I looked around my house, wondering the same thing.

"I think your brother room, would be the best idea"

I nodded in agreement.

I didn't want to set foot in his room, he wouldn't be there and the feeling in there just wasn't the same now that he was gone.

"Yeah, Jesse's room would probably be a good spot"

I took Nicole's hand tightly and led her upstairs. My heart sped up as I reached for Jesse's closed door.

"Are you sure you can go in there?" Nicole asked

"I am going to have to" I opened the door and let it swing open.

"You know Jaydee, you might not be prove innocent even if we find evidence"

I glared at her, "Yeah but I might be, because really I didn't do it!"

"I know you didn't do it Hun, but maybe we can find something good and you can be free, I really hope so, your too pretty to be in a place like prison!"

I smiled and pulled her into Jesse's room

"So just try not to mess anything up, but make sure you get a good look around" I told Nicole, letting go of her hand

Nicole nodded began to search, even though she had no idea what to look for.

I opened Jesse's closet and remembered Jesse wearing each shirt that hung on the rack.

"Jaydee, I think I might have found something"

I closed the closet and walked over to where Nicole stood.

"What is it?" I asked

"That" She pointed down at a box with a video camera and tapes in it.

I picked up the box and dropped it on the bed.

"There are probably so many memories recoded on these" I whispered

Jesse used to always have a camera in his hand, take pictures of everything he could.

"Do you think there is something on any of these that would prove your innocent?"

I shrugged, wondering if I had the guts to watch them

"There could be"

"Well, should we find out?" She asked picking up one of the tapes and the camera.

I sat down on the bed and nodded.

She put the tape in the camrea and sat beside me and pressed play.

Jesse voice echoed from the speakers of the camera.

I gasp and felt tears swell up in my eyes.

"I can't watch this!" I walked out of the room and shut the bathroom door.

Hearing his voice again made him feel as if he should be right there. It was something I couldn't hear without these tears falling down my face. I felt as if I was going to be sick. I stared at my self in the mirror trying to force the tears to stop.

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