chapter 20

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The gates slammed behind me, I was searched again and after I was clean, I was put back into prison. I was stuck all alone in here this time. I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands and waited, for someone to come and rescue me from the miserable nightmare that only seemed to get worse!

My life was broken and shattered, like a broken window but in this case there was no one to pick up the broken pieces except my self.

"Thompson!" a guard yelled though the bars.

I looked up to him without saying a word.

He smiled; his smile reminded me of the smile my mother used to give me when Jesse was alive.

"You remember me, don't you?"

I nodded.

He opened the gate and walked into my cell.

"Yeah, that's good"

He sat down beside me on the bed and smiled.

"Your so pretty" he whispered, reaching his hand towards my breast.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of something that had made me smile in the last while. Nicole.
The guard reached his hands down my pants and felt, I did not like it, not one bit. I wish Nicole was here, she would have saved me.

The guard walked out of my cell as if nothing happened and locked the door behind him.

I laid down and closed my eyes and tried to forget everything that had just happened within in the ten minutes that had just pasted.

"Thompson!" a voice yelled, waking me from my sleep

"You have a visitor! Lets go!" a guard yelled.

The guard pulled me down the hallway and into a white room; I had been in this room before.

Liz sat at the table waiting for me. She smiled at me and nodded to the guard, once I had sat down across from her at the table.

"Well, nice to see your face again Jaydee" she laughed.

I pressed my lips together and nodded.

"Quite the escape artist you are"

I nodded.

I didn't want to say a word to her, but I couldn't stop her from making me. She always had a way to make me talk. She had before, she will again.

"I have got your count date here; it wasn't hard to get you in"

I nodded again.

"Alright Jaydee, don't you want to know when it is?"

I nodded.

"Well I'm not going to tell you unless you ask. So you better start talking Missy" Liz crossed her arms and stared at me intensely.

I hated her, why was it so important that I talk! I didn't want so I shouldn't have to.

"Fine, when is it?"

Liz smiled. "It's in 2 weeks from today"

I nodded.

"Do you have any questions?"

I didn't want to say another word to her but I did have a question.

"Yes, will that evidence I showed the sheriff help prove my innocents?"

Liz leaned towards me. "Well it could, but it depends on what the judge says, and what your mother's lawyer states, plus you might be punished for escaping"

"Do I get a lawyer?"

Liz smiled. "Yes, I'm sure you remember Mrs. Anita Tuner don't you Jaydee?"

I laughed at her. "Really, that woman?"

"Yes, that woman, as a matter of fact Mrs. Tuner is a very good lawyer. You should feel very lucky that I have managed to get her for you"

I nodded and rolled my eyes.

I said nothing more and just stared at Liz.

She couldn't go long without talking.

"So it must be hard after everything you did and than just getting put back here hey?"

"Yeah, it does. You must know that though since you're the expert on this stuff"

"You know Jaydee, just because I deal with kids like you everyday, doesn't mean I can read your thoughts or know what you're feeling but I know what I'm doing and my job is to help"

"So if you know what your doing, How do I feel right now?"

"Well I think your scared and your confused and you feel like your all alone"

I hated to admit she had just nailed everything I felt.

"I just want all of this to end" I told her

Liz nodded. "I know, it's hard isn't it?"

I nodded.

I just wish I had someone to save me, someone to take me away from this place for ten seconds. Nicole could do that, but she wasn't here.

She would get her sentence over with and than get out of there, forget I ever exist and never wait or come back for me.

"She's not coming back, Liz"

"Who? Jesse?"

I shook my head. "No not Jesse!" I screamed at her

"Okay calm down, no need to get upset. You don't need to tell me, only if you want to. Take a few breathes and calm yourself down"

I did as she asked and eased my self with deep breaths as I thought about the sunsets that Nicole and had watched together.

"Nicole isn't coming back" I whispered

Liz leaned in closer.

"Why do you think that?"

"Why would she? She doesn't need me. I'm nothing to her!"

"Did you ever think that maybe she feels the same way?"

"But she doesn't"

"You can't say that, you don't know. Maybe she does" she smiled for a second.

I took her words into thought; Nicole could be in a cell right now thinking that she will never see me again or that she means nothing to me. When she has no idea how I even feel.

Nicole was there when I needed him when Jesse couldn't be.

Now, she might be gone forever and I would facing my life with nothing ahead of me but my trail to prove my innocents or guilty. My mother would sit up there proudly, secretly thinking how I will be her next victim. For now, I can only wait for the end to come.

InnocentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora