chapter 21

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Maybe I was crazy; maybe I was the crazy one here. Everything I faced seemed crazy. I am going down a long road of crazy, no matter what happened, I would never truly heal but I had to try to keep going.

I can't help it but think about trial, I would have to see my mother again and that is the last thing I ever wanted. I wish I didn't have to go to this trail; couldn't they just sort it out without me?

I rolled over and closed my eyes and force my self to fall asleep.

The next morning was woken by yelling. "Rise and shine! Wake up get out of bed!"

Guards yelled at everyone as they unlocked each cell door, one by one. Today was the day that would create my whole future, though I wish I could just stay in this cell bed, pull the covers over my head and pretend I'm not here.

"Thompson! Get over here!" a guard yelled as he opened my cell

I climbed out of bed, though I wish I didn't have to.

He cuffed my hands behind my back and pushed me though the hallway.

"You're going on trail this morning, Miss Thompson"

I sighed, wishing I didn't have to go anywhere near this trail.

I was pushed into the back of a police car and the door was closed. In the front seats two police officers sat quietly talking among themselves. I would see my mother again, and that was no way any morning should be started. She was like a living nightmare! She was my living nightmare.

We pulled up to a big historic looking building. It didn't look very inviting to me.

One of the cops pulled me out of the car and the other one latched on to my other arm as they pulled up towards the big wood doors. I wanted to wiggle my self lose from them and book it down the street and never be found.

I sat down at table facing up to a judge; Mrs. Tuner sat closely beside me. She was writing some notes in messy handwriting. I could barely make the words out. I looked over at the table to the right of me, my mother sat there talking to her Lawyer who sat closely next to her.

"All rise!" The judge called loudly as she banged her hammer on to her stand.

Everyone stood up from there seats and the Judge nodded and hit her hammer again.

"Trail case number 23, Jaydee Thompson against Mrs. Lilly Thompson This count is now in session, everyone sit!" she yelled.

Everyone sat back down and when everyone was settled, it began, my nightmare; I wish I could leave right now and not have to come back.

In the corner of the room, a woman sat typing on a small laptop.

I think her job was to record the words that everyone said. That seems like a hard job to me.

Mrs. Turner rose and started to talk. I wasn't interested in the words she had to say, but I knew I should probably listen.

"My client has gathered some evidence towards this case, and feels that it is very important to be shared with the court today"

The judge nodded. "Bring it to me than!" she ordered.

Mrs. Tuner walked up confidently and handed the Judge my tape.

A TV was rolled in. I couldn't watch it again, so I closed my eyes and put my head down.

I tired to mute the sounds from the TV, but it was hard to because I knew everything that happened. It played in my head as the Court watched it on the TV.

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