one// are you searching for purpose?

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The picture up there or down to the side is of Tay Jardine, who I cast to play the main character in this book.

Song of the book and chapter: Kitchen Sink by twenty one pilots

The Live version is mobile friendly, but if you want to listen to it with more clarity, search it up on YouTube!

||Charlotte Robin Dun|| First Person||

"Damn it," I hiss under my breath, the 0.7 mechanical pencil I am gripping between my fingers slipping out and landing on my sketch pad lightly. I glare at the graphite marks on the paper, the way they looked blended together unsatisfying me. The realism styled head shape isn't the problem, and for once, the wispy curls framing the head aren't the problem either. It's the eyes. They keep getting smudged, and my eraser isn't doing anything when I try to erase them and start over. I can't believe that I rely on referring to pictures to draw a person. I push myself backwards in my rolling chair, moving myself away from my cluttered desk of books, lamps, crumpled papers, and crushed, aluminum energy drink cans. "Fuck it," I let out, rolling my eyes at the stupid sketchbook taunting me.

"Robin!" I hear my mother's shrill shriek from the floor below, her voice booming and carrying its way up to me. I sigh heavily, reaching out and flipping the switch up on my stereo sitting between the side of my bed and my work desk. Almost immediately, Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance is exploding from the speakers, drowning my mom's voice out. Her whining is not what I need right now, I think, as the bass of my speakers waters down any noise outside of my bedroom.

I can vaguely hear her voice beneath the sound of Gerard Way screaming, 'Drugs, gimme drugs, gimme drugs!' It takes no longer than twenty one seconds before the golden door handle to my white bedroom door is jiggling. I smirk and blow out a breath of air, my dark bangs flying up for a quick second before they fall over my forehead again.

"Locked!" I call out above my music, but the door is swinging open and Josh is stepping in, a bobby pin between his fingertips. Joshua fricking Dun, my brother.

"Not anymore," Josh says, a slight smile stretching his mouth as he crosses over to my desk, his pale blue hair flopping over his forehead as he unplugs my stereo from the outlet. Na Na Na dies out instantly and comes to a hault. I don't like the silence.

"You don't do that!" I scold him, narrowing my dark eyes at him, annoyed with my brother as per usual. "That could break it."

"Mom has been calling you."

"So what?" I reply, pulling myself up to my feet. I walk in his direction, not feeling very comfortable with the way he keeps sneaking side glances at my sketchbook. The led marks on the paper weren't good enough for me to even look at it, let alone anyone else. I flip the hardcover over and close my sketchpad, Josh looking away immediately.

"Just go downstairs." Josh says, digging his hands into his jeans pockets, turning around and heading for the door. I glare daggers at the spot right between his shoulder blades as I follow my brother through the hallway and down the wooden stairs. I let my fingers brush against the polished railing, being careful to not slip in my fuzzy socks. Josh skips the last two steps easily, but the most I can skip is one. My feet land on the vacuumed fuzzy carpet, sighing as my mom calls my name again.

"Charlotte!" She's saying as I walk into the kitchen, and I groan when I see her, and then I notice Tyler Joseph standing nervously in the corner.

"It's Robin," I say, pushing myself up onto the marble kitchen countertop, crossing my arms almost defensively over my chest. If it was anyone other than my mom, they wouldn't be able to read my body language that well, but my mom knew I wasn't opening up to her anytime soon. Josh stands awkwardly in the doorway, unsure of what to do.

(Don't) Leave Me Alone •twenty one pilots-Tyler Joseph•Where stories live. Discover now