Old friends

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3rd person P.O.V

Y/n looked around the café and waved her hand smiling at her friends from the phantom troupe. Hisoka's eyes widened at the sight of them and they were shocked (Jungshook XDDD SORRY).
Y/n walked towards them and was surprised to see Machi, Feitan and Nobunaga along with her little brother Kalluto. You didn't know he joined the troupe or where the others were you only got a text from Machi to meet them up and you decided that since she took effort to get to you, you were going to see them. You even thought it'd be fun if Hisoka met them and all. Nobunaga held his sword and pointed it towards Hisoka while Kalluto stared at you coldly. He had no idea what happened to you at that time or why you didn't go home since you promised him to do so. You didn't really notice it since you were so focused on Nobunaga and your boyfriend.
"Here we meet again Hisoka, it's time for me to get revenge"
"We do, old man~ it's been a while let it go already~"
At this point you had no idea what the hell was happening.
"What the hell are you two talking about? And how the hell do you know each other? And when the heck did my brother join the phantom troupe? And where are the others"
Nobunaga just took his sword back and walked to the table staring at his feet
"Y/n let me explain and let them do whatever the hell they want" Machi said holding you back.
"We really need to catch up at this rate! I need to know why the fuck would Nobunaga want to kill my boyfriend and where are Pakunoda and Uvo" you asked Machi and looked around to see all of them looking down except for Hisoka who made eye contact with you and hoped (J-Hooooopppppeeeeeee) anyone would speak in his stead. He didn't want to tell you that they are both dead or that he was to blame at some point. Machi pulled you down to sit next to Kalluto and Nobunaga clenched his fists thinking of a gentle way to tell you.
"You see y/n a few years ago a guy from the Kurta showed up and targeted us to get revenge. He...killed Uvogin and Paku and blocked Chrollo's nen back then. And I'm sorry to say that the jester over there is--" Nobunaga just looked away not wanting to cry as Machi cut him off. You on the other hand had no reaction. It was unbelievable. Pakunoda and Uvogin are gone? It couldn't be.... Uvo was like an older brother to you. You loved that guy so much. He was there all the time telling bad jokes and acting all high and mighty. Such a good friend of yours. You guys were really close to one another. Pakunoda was always like a mom to the both of you, always nagging at you two to stop playing around and train. You wouldn't say it out loud but you enjoyed it, having a mother like figure was super fun to the two of you. All the members treated you like family since the moment they found you. They protected you and gave you a warm home to stay at. You loved their company so much that you found it hard to leave the continent. It was the hardest decision you've made so far. You kept in touch with them until four years ago when you lost your phone ith their numbers. You missed them deeply bit you knew if you stayed any longer it'd get messy since you bumped into someone you shouldn't see.

You were deep in thoughts, so lost in your thoughts that you didn't know your cheeks were stained on tears. You felt Kalluto hug you from the side as an attempt to comfort the crying mess you were. Your emotions were all mixed up now. You didn't if you were sad or angry or if you're feeling anything. It was weird to feel emotions other than excitement and happiness but since you reunited with Hisoka. You pretty much felt more emotions as if you were never alive before. You were surprised when a hand landed o your shoulder so you raised your head to see Hisoka with a worried expression? He just looked at you, locking his yellow ones with your (e/c) ones. You got up and dragged him out of the place totally forgetting the fact you were followed. Trust me, as the mess of feelings you were, you. Didn't give a shit about anything.

"Were you part of this?" You managed to say with a serious look. You knew he'd do anything but you had a little hope he'd have a good reason at least that's what you hoped for.
"I wanted to fight Chrollo so I had a deal with The chain user"
"What did you do exactly?"
"I gave some inside informations"
"And you didn't even tell me?"
"I couldn't manage to tell you"
"I'll just ask you to tell me who is the chain user"

I'll try to update more
-sorry for my lazy ass but this chap was long tho

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