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An: don't be fooled by the gif, I just thought lana looked pretty lol

"Maeve! Where's my gym bag?" Chris shouted from their room upstairs. He was already running late to his gym session with Sebastian and Anthony. He looked through the thousands of dresses Maeve had in their walk in closet until he finally found what he was looking for. "Nevermind!"

Maeve was downstairs making dinner. Her mom and dad were visiting from  Manhattan. She scrolled down a list of possible recipes she could do on her iPad as chris ran into the kitchen, to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. "Don't be late. My parents are coming." Maeve said without looking up from her iPad. "Is a potato casserole good? Or maybe pasta?"

"Honey, I'm sure whatever you decide to make, your parents will love and I will to." Chris walked over to Maeve and kissed her lips. "I gotta go, I love you. I'll see you at dinner."

Maeve replied with an I love you as chris walked out the door in a hurry. She made sure chris was fully gone before tossing her apron to the floor and running up the stairs to their shared bedroom. Dodger noticed she was acting different and went to follow her into the bathroom where she went down to her knees and emptied out her stomach of its contents.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, dodge." Maeve wiped her mouth and sat on the tile floor. Dodger climed onto her lap and rested his head in her arms. "You won't tell anyone, right?"

Dodger just cuddle her as a response.

Chris came home as fast as he could after finishing up at the gym. She took a quick shower and noticed that Maeve had already put out his clothes on their bed. He mentally thanked her and started to change quickly before his in laws arrived. Downstairs, maeve made sure everything was in place and ready. Dodger watched as she checked the clock for what seemed like the hundredth time. Her palms were getting sweaty and it felt like time was slowing down.

Chris came downstairs and couldn't take his eyes off of Maeve. She wore the dress he bought her on her birthday. It was a simple black lovelorn corset dress with long sleeves.

"You look beautiful."

Maeve didn't get a chance to reply as the doorbell began to ring. Dodger followed chris to the front door to greet maeve's parents. She wiped her sweaty palms on a rag and put on a smile.

"Maeve! Look at you, my darling." Maeve's dad, robert, went up to his daughter for a hug.

"Thanks, dad. How was the flight?" Maeve asked and followed them into the dining room.

"Your dad snores like a lawnmower." Her mom, Patricia, chuckled. "But I married him so I have to put up with it."

"So, how 'bout dinner?" Chris said and got cheers from his in laws.

Dinner was surprisingly not as bad as Maeve thought it would go. Patricia kept bringing up the topic of some red carpet that Chris and maeve were invited to a couple weeks ago. Robert kept stuffing his face with biscuits as he listened to his wife.

"I told her to wear the red one I bought her in paris but she didn't want to." Chris intervened.

"The zipper broke." Maeve admitted.

"Well I'll buy you a new one." Chris nodded and kept listening to what his mother in law had to say.

Maeve couldn't keep it in longer. She felt like she was going to vomit. She felt sweat go down her forehead, and probably dodger judging her from his bed a couple feet away from them. She definitely couldn't keep her secret amy longer.

"I'm pre—"

"Sweetie, it's ride to interrupt someone." Patricia scolded her.

"But I have something to confess. It's really really really like really important. Life changing, or whatever you wanna call it." Maeve rambled.

"You okay?" Chris held onto her hand.

"I'm pregnant."

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