16. Illegal Marriage

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"Ready to get married Barbie!" Poppy says.

"Yes!" I scream.

"Yasss okay let's do it now," poppy says.

"Okay but we need someone to marry us.." I said as I frowned as oil dripped off my nose tip.

"I can do it!" Mr.Japanesearianagrande  piped in like a pipy pipe would.

"Great!" I said.

I watched as Poppy walked to the dudes desk and grabbed a paperclip and bent it to shape a circle. She walked up to me and slid the paperclip ring onto my finger and looked at it.

"Marvelous!" She said.

"Okay, do you Poppy take Y/N as your illegally wedded wifey?" Mr.Japanesearianagrande  said.

"Yes, Yea I do bitch!" Poppy said with enthusiasm.

"And do you, Y/N take-" he started when I interrupted.

"Yeah I do let's finish now I really wanna learn about the male reproductive system." I said.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Poppy and I kissed and my tongue accidentally erased her browned tooth.

"Shit," I muttered.

"Its fine, I can always use sharpies." She said.

The both of us walked to cooking class, my hand in her mouth and her hand in my mouth. We got glared at by a couple of teachers but I flicked them off.

We finally got to class and we were so late that there was 2 minutes remaining of class.

"Your late. Why?" Mrs.Whythefuckdidimarry  said angrily.

"WE GOT MARRIED!!!" Poppy yelled and the class cheered. But Mrs.Whythefuckdidimarry  glared at us.

The beginning lunch bell rang and me and Poppy decided to run 50 laps around out 200000 mile wide school. As we were on our 0th lap, we saw some girl walking on the street across from us.

She stopped and looked at us and Poppy ran over to the girl.


Poppy and the girl stood there and I saw they were talking.

I decided to go over there.

"Yeah your kind of cute!" Poppy says to the girl.

"Thanks! Your bad yourself!" The girl said.

I watched as the two extanged numbers RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES!

I tugged on Poppy's nose and dragged her back to the school. I look at her and she's texting that one girl.

Is Poppy cheating on me? We JUST got married though?

388 words

I'd Poppy cheating? What do you think?

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