1. Day Before

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I was lying in my bed, scrolling through PornHub's official Instagram account, wathing their posts about elephant porn, when I hear my mom calling for me.

"Y/N get down here now!"

I jumped and got up and walked downstairs. As I was walking downstairs, I tripped over my brother's shoes. I fell down the stairs and smashed my nose on the ground.

I look down and see blood dripping on the carpet.
Oh no, moms gonna shove a kitchen knife up my ass for this!

I bend down and try to lick up the blood from the carpet. I was successful thank goodness.

I get to the kitchen and my mom, dad and brother are sitting at the table. I see my brother eating a chunk of wood.

You see, my brother is a wrestler. So he has to sharpen his teeth by gnawing on wood.

My dad has his hand down his pants. I give him a weird look and he says to me, "horny". I nod in understandment and look to my mom.

Her wig is off. This is never a good sign. This means she is pissed. Literally pissed. I can see it leaking down her leg. She is wearing an ass length skirt with polka dots on it.

"What the fuck happened to...mmhm..your face?" My dad asks as he is obviously close to cumming.

"I tripped, anyway, What's up ma?" I ask.

"Were moving to a new state so go pack up your shit. Were leaving tomorrow." She says, giving me the middle finger.

"OK," I sigh, not even daring to ask why were moving or where to.

I go to my bedroom and find a box. I then walk to the bathroom that's connected to my bedroom and start pulling the shit out of my toilet, and put it in the box, because mom asked me to pack up my shit.

I finish packing everything, and now I'm left with nowhere to sleep because I already folded my bed and packed it up. I decide to just sleep on the floor.

366 words.

Okay so I will make this an amazing book I promise. Tehehe

Now you know what I mean from in the first part of this book hehe.

If you already read my other book full of Billie eilish funny smut, you already knew this was gonna be fucked up.

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