14. the one?

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I woke up to poppy laying next to me. Her head was laying on my chest. I could hear her soft snores.

It was so fucking annoying so what I did was lick my finger and get it dripping with saliva, and I shoved my finger in her hear so deep that her eardrum broke.

She woke up laughing and she looked up at me and spits in my mouth and I gag and vomit on her living room carpet.

We both laughed and looked up to see China hovering above us. Why was she home so early? What a hobo.

"Um mom...what are you doing home so early...?" Poppy said nervously.

"Well I came back to grab some THING to OCCUPY me in the HOSPITAL so I can have FUN in QUARANTINE but I come home to see YOU TWO FUGGLING AROUND UNDER TOENAILS."! she shouted.

The shouting scared me so I jumped and ran up to poppy's room and hid in her fish tank.

I could hear their conversation.

"Mom, can't I have a lover or anything?"

"No, your not a human do you can't be in love. I don't allow you to date, or even have sex with other people!" Chins shouted.

"But mom I think Y/N is the one.." Poppy said putting emphasis on the last two words.

There is a minute of silence.

Does she really think I am the one?

"Well fine then...I have to go back to my two weeks of quarantine... Just don't blow up the house while I'm gone.." China said softly.

"Okay bye I love you mom"

I hear a door slam and some glass break and I hear stomping on the stairs.

I see poppy walk into the room smiling from nostril hole to nostril hole.

"Get out before my fish swim up your ass hole!" Poppy said laughing so hard that I saw a piss mark in her pants.

"So um poppy, I was thinking..." I started.

"YES ILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" she yelled cutting me off.

"YAY!" I said jumping.

349 words

Nothing I Need | Poppy X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now