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Poppy POV
"Hey mom? Can SloppyJoe come over after school?" I ask.

"Sure just don't eat her." Mom says.

"Okay I'll try not to!" I say as I leave my house, ready to go to school. I walk to school and finally arrive.

I walk down the halls, looking for Y/N. As I am doing so, my principal stops me.

"Poppy? I need to see you. Now." Principal says.

"O-okay hoe." I stutter.

I get into my principals office and sit in the chair.

"So I want to say that I find you so attractive, and , and I don't know what these feelings are...i- I want you to go on a date with me." Principal says.

"Ew no you donkey fucker." I say as I ditch the office. I continue looking for Y/N when I see Y/N crawling on the floor.

"Umm what are you doing?" I ask.

"I broke my ankles so crawling is my only way of transportation." Y/N says.

"Oh good for you, anyway wanna come to my house after school?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine I'll be okay!" Y/N shouts sarcastically.

"Um I didn't ask if you were going to be okay. I just asked if you wanna fucking come over. Where'd you move here from? Russia?" I ask.

"Ugh yeah sure only if you can get me there easily." Y/N says.

"sure, also I'll help you to class!" I say.

"Yay joyride!!!!!" Y/N says. I pull down my pants in the middle of the hallway. A few people looked at me so I shot them with cum and they died.

Y/N crawled up my vAgInA! and I pulled my pants back up and walked to class.

I waddled a bit since I had a real human being up my vagina, and nor a fake human for once.

Yes I'll admit it, I used to carry my Baby Alive dolls up my pussy. That's how bad ass I am😎

I arrive to class and sit down, totally forgetting about Y/N.

The teacher did roll call and when he got to Y/N's name..I remembered.

"Wait I know where Y/N is!" I say as I stand on my desk and pull my pants down and reach up my lavender smelling woman hole and pull Y/N out. Y/N came our and she was pruned. She had been up there so long that she absorbed my piss!

"Here," Y/N says, snorting my piss off of herself.

"You don't wear underwear?" Y/N asks.

"Um no...it makes me scared..the fact that something is constantly on my vagina scares me." I admit.

"Oh so that's why you shave there I'm assuming?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah..." I say as I tear up.

Time skip to lunch

"Woah where did our table go?!" I ask as I look down at Y/N who is crawling on the floor with Y/N's lunch tray on Y/N's back.

"Um its up there." Y/N says pointing at the ceiling.

I look up and by jaw drops. I bend down to pick it up and reattatch it.

"Okay let's go up there then." I say as wings grow out of my boobs and I grab Y/N and we fly to the table.

We sit on the underside of the table and eat our food.

Roasted water. My favorite food.
And mashed potatoes, my favorite drink. And hair, my favorite dessert.

We eat and then the table falls, killing a lot of kids underneath of us.

We run out of the school when we see the MPF. That stands for Midget Police Force.

They waddled into the school so me and Y/N flyed to my house.

631 words

Nothing I Need | Poppy X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now