17: epilogue

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"(Name)..." a soft voice called out.

It's too warm, too peaceful to wake up.

"(Name), fiancé, wake up." But who am I to disobey this lovely call?

I smiled as I felt Edward kiss my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Edward smiling down at me as the sunrise was casting his body in a heavenly glow.

"Good morning love..." I spoke with a sleepy voice which made Edward giggle.

"You need to get ready, love." Edward spoke as he walked towards the restroom. I followed him.

Today was the day we're going to get married.

There weren't many people invited, just then small group of friends Edward had, and the small group I trusted. Of course Edward's friends have aged, they know he's different and so am I. The small group I have are children I helped from orphanages who suffered a similar pain as me, I hold the, dear to my heart. They are rather older now but it doesn't change the fact I love them as my kids.

I couldn't stop smiling the whole day, all the way to walking down the aisle to saying I do. The whole ceremony was everything I pictured within a dream, but it felt so much better to know it was real. Edward is real, our love is real, and we're together.

The vows, the dances, the cheers, the whole day will forever stay within my heart. Forever, and always.

"It's time to go now darling." Edward called, his smile still bright as he walked towards the car. "The plan is waiting."

I smiled again and nodded.

Time used to feel so slow, and boring. But this day, and the time I spent with Edward felt as though we just started dating yesterday.

We arrived at the beach house on a private portion of the island I owned. Edward quickly carried me inside as he went straight for the pool. I laughed and held onto him as we stood in the water with the moon above us.

"Love me. " Edward said as our foreheads touched.

"I'll always love you if you'll love me. " I spoke with a soft smile as my tone was gentle.

"Then I guess you'll love me forever." Edward replied then picked me up in the air. I looked down at him as we both just felt contented.

Forever, we'll always be together.

Forever, we'll love each other.

And if forever doesn't last feel long enough, then I'll find Edward. No matter what time, life, or shape I take, I'll find Edward and love him.

The girl frozen within time with a cold heart of stone, began to thaw and beat. The robot who had no love and only destruction as his companion now had a wife who showered him with affection. Slowly, they both learned what it meant to love someone and to live. No longer where they stuck drifting through time. No longer did they spend nights in cold embraces and boredom. They had each other now, forever, they will always be together until their time ceases and their body decays, even then they will still love each other.

Forever, holding each other.

Forever, loving each other.


A/n sorry for the short ending, I didn't feel as though this needed a long ending, tell what you think of this ending! I hope you liked it! Let know other fanfic book I should think of doing, maybe a Tom lucitor, Jareth the goblin king, fruits basket, ouran host club, or maybe make my own oneshot original book? Who knows!

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