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Your POV
Me and Edward went shopping for him, he only had that bondage suit for clothes. We had gotten him all the necessary thing he would need, like underwear, and other things. I had bought him a full closet of designer clothes, shoes, and accessories. After we had finished looking for clothes, I went to get him a haircut.
You: "Edward would you like to keep your hair long? Or short?"

Edward: "I wouldn't really know. I cut other's hair but never my own. What do you think? "
He then looked up at me with curious eyes, he had such nice almost black eyes with long eyelashes. Any hairstyle would suit a man as beautiful as him, but I feel like his long hair is growing on me.
You: "let's keep it long then. It would a shame to cut such wonderful black soft hair." I then smiled at him as I ran my hand through his wavy raven locks.
His hair had reached all the way to his waist, so I had the hairdresser cut it to his shoulders and give him some layers to show off his wavy hair. After the process was done, Edward looked different. His hair farmed his face perfectly and his high cheekbones were more predominant, his lips weren't to big or too small, his eyes had such depth and matched his perfect nose. In all, my father had did a very good job with him.

You: "now the world can see how wonderful of a creation you are Edward."
The pale man just blushed at my comment and looked down.

You: "why are you looking down?"

Edward: "I'm not beautiful, nor a fantastic creation. I'm a monster. I'll always be a monster. "

I then frowned a little, knowing the effects from the townspeople had still remained with him. I then grabbed a mirror and put it in front if his face, while I was behind, so he could look at himself.
I used my free hand to gently push up his chin, so he was able to see his reflection.
You: " I don't see any fangs, horns, or any blood on your hands. I don't see a man who wants to kill or hurt anyone, I only see a beautiful man on the inside and out. Don't be the one who brings yourself down or let others bring you down. You're much more than what others think. People are frighten from abnormal things, and I'm afraid you're too different for them. But that's also gives you the upper hand, you are wonderful Edward and that won't change. "
I then smiled at Edward, as he stared at himself in the mirror, he was shocked by his appearance. His ravaged demeanor changed into a ravishing appeal. I slightly giggled as he was still in a daze at how human-liked he appeared.

You: "alright Edward, don't let the good looks get to you, it's what counts on the inside that matters. Let's get going now."

I then held out my hand for him, and he grabbed it while smiling at me. We then drove  back to my penthouse and talked about what I was going to teach him the next few years.  I had to emit, I was starting to enjoying his accompany.

Edward scissorhands x Fem!Genius!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now