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Edward pov

It's been a whole month since I've been living in the dorms with my best friend, Richard young, Richard was a very friendly, loud guy, with blonde messy hair, tanned skin, and green eyes. He's the same height as me but likes to wear little to no clothing. He always has a new girl within a month. I would talk with (your name) about how Richard was a playboy. (Your name) laughed when I first told her about Richard, she said " I didn't think you would room with such a social butterfly. " I think I know what she means now. Richard always dragged me to frat parties with our group of friends. Dan smith, a male with black short hair, brown eyes, almost my height, with a clam personality, pale skin, and a England accent that made girls swoon over for, Dan is also a close friend. Then there is Daisy jones, a tomboy lesbian with short wavy light brown hair and bronze sun kissed skin, light blue eyes with a rough personality, daisy is the bad boy in our group, which means she also gets new girlfriends under her arm almost every week. She's the first lesbian I've met, I think when I was created it wasn't really socially accepted, but I don't see the harm in it. In a way I can relate, I was ridiculed for liking a girl because of who I am. We have other good friends but I mainly hangout with daisy, Dan, and Richard.

Winter break was coming up and I was finishing my sculptures for the semester exam. I didn't really need to study for my other classes, since I can retain information easily.

Richard: " so what are you doing for this winter, ed?" Richard looked over to me from his painting.

Edward: " I want to see her..." I thought out loud, without knowing.

Dan, Richard, daisy.: " her?" They all curiously asked with perked up ears.

Edward: " I-I-I mean, it would be nice to visit new York. " my nervous habit of stuttering came out as blood rushes to my face.

Daisy: " there's a "her"waiting in New York? Huh, ed?" She smirked at me with a knowing look.
Richard: " that explains why you don't fuck any of the girls here...they practically fall for you." He rose his eyebrows up as he looked at me.

Dan: " did you wanna go to New York to visit "her"? " he smiled warmly and looked over his shoulder to me.

Edward:" y-yes. I can't explain my feelings for this woman. She's, very....mature?" The last part came out more as a question than a statement. (Name) is more mature than me, since she's over thousands of years older. Plus, she has experience with men from my knowledge, also  women too. She said she had a few girl flings in the past, she also sees no difference between the genders but the body parts, she only told me that the memories she made with them were genuine and heartbreaking at the same time. She always knew she would outlive  her lovers.

Edward: " plus, she always attracts new people. It hard to differentiates who's just a friend or a companion. "
I remembered the photos she would send me of her day, like when she like to go out to eat at her favorite restaurant, when she goes to view art museums, or just take a walk around the park. But, sometimes she'll take selfies, I think thats the word, with new lovers or friends.

Dan: " well, how long have you know her?"

Edward: " about 3 years I suppose. She helped me out a lot. Since I didn't have anyone after the incident.." the incident was a somewhat of a lie of why I didn't have any family. I told them I was taken off the streets by the inventor, but he had died due to a heart attack. Also, how no one took me in but my "aunt (middle name)", which is (name), but she had died young due to a car accident. But, by then I was old enough and left with enough money to survive on my own.

Dan: " oh, so you are close with her, I assume?"
I nodded to his question.

Richard: " and she never made a move? You never made a move?"

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