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"Well, I can't tell you until I know why you hate me so much!" Edward shouted then stormed out of the house. I then heard his car roar out of the drive way.

I stood still for a solid minute then fell to my knees.

"He thinks I hate him?"

Droplets of water started hitting the ground, at first I thought it was leak from the pipes. But then I realized I was crying.

"He thinks I hate him.." I repeated once more, but it wasn't a question this time and I felt the cold burn of guilt grab ahold of my heart. I didn't want Edward to think that, I didn't know he felt that. Hate, is far from what I feel for him. I could never hate him! I couldn't...but, he thinks I hate him! Of all things, he thinks I can't stand him! Its further from the truth than anything! I don't hate Edward, but...do I love him? No, the more reasonable question if; if my pride will allow me to love him. After being thrown away and hurt by the people I thought who loved me, can I be with Edward? What if he doesn't reciprocate my feelings? What if he finds another girl? He loved the blonde all American girl, which is definitely not the type of person I am! Even if he did hold some type of affection for me, would it be right for me to love my replacement? When I swore to never feel the same pain, and to never allow myself to be used or even envy my replacement—could I break my promise?

What do I want? This pain I've carried hasn't done me any good...but my pride is what's left. Yet, what's good pride if I'm going to spend my life wondering about this? I've been running from my feelings for far too long! What good if running? Nothing! It solves nothing!

I sighed, exhausted from my inner turmoil. At times like these, I wished I had the inventor to talk too. I do miss him, even if he made Edward to replace me, I miss him very much. Am I even angry anymore? Over the fact Edward was created to replace me? No, I long forgave the inventor. If only I could find something of his to explain why he created Edward, I guess all I really want is closure so I can move on and love Edward.

I wonder if Edward has the key to his study. I wonder when he's coming back.


The door slammed shut when in the middle of the night and I immediately woke up from my nap. I rushed downstairs in my nightgown and saw Edward staggering in.

"Edward?" I called out, unsure if this was him. It seemed so ridged before and his posture was absolutely atrocious. The closer I got the smell of alcohol became more dominant. "You can get drunk, since when?"

"Sssince the summerrr of when you left me!" His voice was mire whiny and higher. He pointed an accusing finger to me and leaned on a nearby table to stand.

"Let me get you to bed Edward." I was by his side, taking his arm as I wrapped it around me to offer his support.

"No! No! You hate me." He started to thrash around, making it harder to help.

"I don't hate you! That simply foolish to think that I hate you. "

"You don't hate me?" He looked over to me with glossy eyes and a stupid grin.

"No. I don't."

"Do you love me?"

I didn't answer that question yet.

"You're drunk Edward. We'll talk later."

"I-I'm no drunk! " he then forced himself to stand and immediately went down after a second.

"You're drunk Edward. " I pulled him up and started to head towards the stairs.

Once I laid him on his bed I groaned out from the exercise.

"Polycarbonate my ass! You're the same weight as a titanium skeleton! " I sat on the edge of the bed, my back was facing Edward as I caught my breath.

"Why won't you love me?" His voice changed.  It wasn't a whiny tone or higher pitch, it returned to normal.

"..I don't hate you."

"But that not loving me either."

"...Edward, you were made to replace me. I cannot deny my feelings for you, and I cannot hold them back. But I want to know why the inventor replaced me. I have to know why, I knew why my parents abandoned me. But I don't know why the inventor left me too. "

"..if you get your answer will you love me?"


Edward scissorhands x Fem!Genius!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now