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It's been a year. Nothing but just a letter. Nothing at all. I even went to visit the old mansion on the hill, in hopes of finding at least something, but there was absolutely nothing.

How could she leave? How could she just go off alone- how could she leave me alone? Doesn't she know how much hurt I felt when I was left alone?!
She left me. She gave me no warning, she , she ,she ,she ,she ,she!
(Name) is the only thing on my mind! For the whole damn year! It's just her.

Why would she leave me? Did I do something? I just need a reason why she would just leave me.

I just need to see (Name) again, she left selfishly, so I'm going to find her.

——- ————

Hopefully Edward never looks for me. Even if he did, it would tremendously be hard to even locate the last place I was standing at a month ago. So I highly doubt Edward could find me.

I've been spending the whole year conducting research in astrophysics and general development of technology for space traveling. If I wasn't working on any project my mind would wonder and eventually lead me back to Edward, and I can't have that. Not when I already left. Not when I ran away.

Maybe it's better I stay away from him, his heart belongs to a old all American hag anyway. But it'll be the old man's anniversary soon, the day the inventor died, maybe I'll visit him. But Edward could be waiting there, so I'll have to plan this safely. Just need to disguise myself, buy flowers, and give some sort of a prayer for the deceased father.

So what is the opposite of (full name)? What do I hate the most in apparel wise? 

I walked in circles thinking of a style which is despised the most, which is hard to think of when you live through decades of changing through fashion and trends to the point you wouldn't really oppose a style of clothing and appearance. 

then the idea struck like thunder, it literally stuck me when the rainstorm outside bolted into full blast and my skin crawled at the combustion of a plan. I could wear a wig of yellow corn blonde with beach waves as a soft as the most pampered bleached hair could get. I could wear pink, pink heels, pink shirts, pink skirts, pink everything as long as its overly pink. Then to add flare i could always change my voice with a quick device disguised as a choker. 

This could work well, looking like a all american preppy pampered girl, and this could really make my skin crawl in disgust. However, i will not stray from my plan just because the look isn't...ideal. I'll just have to suck it up. 

And with that, accompanied with a plan ticket, my journey can set out in a no later than a day before the anniversary. 

Edward scissorhands x Fem!Genius!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now