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Three Months Later; 4th of July

Beyoncé POV

With all things going around dealing with the virus and quarantining, I was honestly just blessed to be able to spend this sacred time with my crazy ass family. It was July fourth, not all, but most of the immediate family and a few close friends all came to be together for our little gathering that I wanted to happen, with my mom's assistance at her house, where everyone felt safe as if it was their own home.
As of now, I was sitting back watching my kids run around the extended backyard like crazed animals. They were happy; That's all it took for me to feel content with all things considered. The pandemic had taken a toll on all of us, truthfully, and though Megan and I both still had a tight relationship with each and every one of our babies since way before this blew out of the waters, I know it affected my kids, especially with them being so young and small and having all these restrictions.

Hell, we all have been stuck together so I know if the slight depression that was growing just from having to be so still was hitting me, then it was hitting Megan just as much. We have been overly cautious thus far, but work still had to be done, somehow. It seemed that each month into the year only got worse in a way, but when you have a family like mine, you could only make the best of it.

So it was easy to say we all needed and deserved this.

I held my well-deserved adult drink in my hand, alongside my day ones as we caught up about what's been going on since the last time we'd been in each other's physical presence.

"When's the big day supposed to be again? Miss. Fiancée?" Michelle asks, grinning wide as she eyed me intently. Just hearing that had my cheeks heating, I was such a fool for Megan and she had me feeling shit even when she wasn't around.

I swear that's my future right there. I wanted everything and more with that gorgeous, ambitious woman. "Soon, Chelle. But I just hope covid doesn't put too much of a halt to it, you know? I'm so ready to give my all to that girl." I blushed.

"I know that's right," Kelly says next, agreeing with my claim. "The covid part."

I chuckled, "I know, and it's so crazy because it happened out of nowhere. It was so fast and it's growing over before the world's eyes. But I don't even want to think too much about it, I need to keep my mind on the positive shit going on and coming up... like making Thee Stallion' my misses."

With a wink, I licked my lips, looking out in the open yard to see if I could spot my fiancée herself.

They both "oooh'd" me, holding up their drinks to that as we all clinked our glasses. I laughed, sipping on the fine liquid while my eyes soon landed on Megan. She was talking to Azaria over by the buffet tables where all of the food was and my mom was uncovering food.

Kelly cleared her throat, "Do you still want your big 'fairytale' wedding you've always dreamed of since like, what, five?"

I tore my eyes away from Megan after so long, looking over to my two best friends with a smug smile, "Yes, I do. But it's whatever my baby wants, along with that."

"Well shoot! Okay then, chief." Chelle leaned back with her little smirk.

"Y'all, I'm serious! Megan and I have talked about it, but not as much as I'd like to, I guess. I'm glad you brought that up too because, with all this free time, I could knock out the planning in no time. Shit, we already have the blueprint, I just have to pull it all together and whatnot." I explained, shrugging.

"Blueprint. She said it y'all." Kelly uttered, causing me to kiss my teeth. We all laughed and before I could get another word out, my phone pinged with a message from none other than Jay himself.

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