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Megan's Condo

Beyoncé POV

I laid cuddled up with Megan in her bed as we watched Anime.

"What is this show called?" I asked, trying not to fall behind and get confused.

"High School of the Dead." Megan giggled. "If you have any questions, just ask me. I always keep the subtitles on, so just follow those also." She spoke, rubbing on my growing baby bump. I'm eighteen weeks now.

"Do you only watch this?" I asked, curiously.

"No." She laughed. "I watch different shows. Like I just finished watching Assassination Classroom not too long ago, I like one called Souleater, Blue Exorcist. I really love one called Hunter x Hunter, and I really love Attack on Titan." She told me. "I'm just a lil weeb." She chuckled.

"Nuh uhhh." I laughed, turning my head to look at her. "It's cute baby. I really love it and I love how happy you are watching it. If you want to be a weeb, I'm all for it, but you say 'I'm Beyoncé's weeb', okay?" I smiled.

"Yes ma'am." Megan blushed before kissing my cheek.

We heard knocks at her front door and she frowned. "I don't know who this could be. I'll be back." She sighed, getting off of her bed.

"Alright baby." I watched as she left out of the room then focused back on the anime show we were watching.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Megan ask, raising her voice. As long as I've known Megan, I know she really doesn't get mad or raise her voice, unless it's something serious.

I got off the bed and went into her living room to see Lauren standing in the doorway of the condo. Oh hell no. Now I see why Megan was raising her voice.

"Leave, don't come back here. We discussed this already." Megan said, trying to push her back to keep her from coming inside.

"No Megan, we're not finished talking yet. You gon' always listen to what I have to say and you gon' always be my bitch!" Lauren yelled, pointing her finger in Megan's face.

See, this is where I step in. My baby doesn't like hands and fingers in her face and I feel like Megan is being threatened, so I have to step in.

"Lauren, get your fingers out my face." Megan warned.

I rushed to Megan's side and luckily I got there in time, because Megan was seriously about to lay hands on Lauren.

"Get your fingers out of my face, Lauren! I'm not playin' with you!" Megan raised her hand to hit her and I got in the middle.

"Woah, woah, woah. Megan, take a deep breath for me baby and relax." I tried to reason.

"No Bey, you know I don't do fingers and shit in my face and I told her ass twice. She done pissed me off now. Stop fuckin' playin' wit me bitch!" Megan screamed at Lauren.

I touched her shoulders, trying to push her back, but Megan is strong as hell.

"Babe, babe." I pleaded. "Please, walk away, step back, so it doesn't escalate."

Lauren had made her way further inside and shut the door. I know nothing good is going to come from this.

"I'm trying to talk to you Megan!" Lauren yelled from behind me, still pointing her finger near Megan's face, antagonizing her. Megan suddenly grabbed Lauren's finger and twisted it, bending her arm back.

"I will break your fucking finger, get the hell outta here." Megan gritted.

"Megan, let go!" I yelled. I pushed her back some and she let Lauren's finger go.

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