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Three Weeks Later

Beyoncé POV

Looking over at Megan, I seen the smile on her face as she looked out the small window, watching the planes take off. We've gotten closer than ever, especially since Lauren's ass is completely out of the picture. I still can't stand that bitch, she made me act crazy as hell over Megan and I regret letting Megan see that side of me, because it's not really me; that small piece of me is hidden for a reason. I don't act like that regularly, only when I'm pushed to that point and Lauren snatching Megan from me, pushed me to that point.

Anyway, because of Megan and I's little drama and mishaps, our relationship is actually stronger, so much so; we decided to take a vacation together, since we've been working so hard over the last few years without one.

Things are looking really bright for Megan and I, and I can honestly say I love her and I know for a fact she feels the exact same way.

My phone ringing in my lap, dragged me from my thoughts and I picked it up. Seeing Jay's contact name, I rolled my eyes and slid answer.

"Hello." I said with an attitude.

"Wassup? I need you to watch Azaria for me." Jay spoke.

I rolled my eyes. He knows I told him I was going out of town.

"I told you I'm leaving Houston today."

"Oh yeah. Where you going?" He asked.

"None of your damn business, Jay. Now, call my mama and ask if she can watch Azaria."

"Aight, but can you call her?" He asked.

"Jay, you are Azaria's father. If you need my mama to watch her, YOU call her."

"Man, chill out with the attitude. You need to get over that shit and stop being so mad."

I sighed. "I gotta go Shawn."

I hung up my phone and shook my head. This nigga here. Feeling Megan grab my hand, I looked over at her.

"You okay?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah, Jay's ass."

Megan nodded her head and rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb to calm me.

"We're going on vacation, don't worry about him."

"You're right. I need to call my mama real quick, though."

"Alright babe."

I quickly went to my mother's contact and called her.


"Hey mama, how are you?"

"Good girl. I just spoke to you yesterday. Aren't you supposed to be on your trip?" She asked.

I chuckled. "Yeah ma, I'm on the plane right now, but Jay just called me asking me to watch Azaria when he knows I'm leaving out of town. Can you watch her for me, ma?" I asked.

"Of course, but why didn't Jay call me?" She asked.

"I told him that, but he acts scary, so I called you just in case he wouldn't. I don't want my baby left with someone I don't trust."

"I understand. That lil girl is practically yours. I'll watch her for you and Jay, okay?"

"Yes, thank you mama."

"You're welcome baby, now go on and have fun on your trip."

"Will do ma'am. Love you, I'll see you when I get back."

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