Chapter Twenty Five

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Still intoxicated with adrenaline from the Halloween party, Nathan held my hand as we walked back to his dorm. Jumping off the bar and into his arms was certainly the most dramatic exit to a party I'd ever made, but it was so thrilling I didn't regret it. I'd usually hate getting all the attention Nathan had brought on me, but tonight was.... different. We had slunk away through the crowd together, and I could still hear the music booming faintly on the other side of campus once we'd reached his dorm steps.

He carried me up the stairs to his room as if we were newly weds, and I giggled as he threatened to drop me. He put me down gently once we reached the door and entered, pulling me onto his lap as he sat on the bed. After a while of making out, his hands moved downwards.
"Stop, I- I'm not ready yet, I-"
"Sorry," he mumbled between kissing me, moving his hand away.
"It's not that I don't want to, it's just I'm on my period and-" I tried to explain.
"It's chill, there's no rush." he said, pulling away from my lips. He was smiling, but it wasn't smug or sarcastic, or tinged with resentment. It was a genuine, sweet smile. Jesus, he was so beautiful.

"Oh my fucking God," he said his expression changing to one of fear and realisation. I panicked for a second at the stark change in mood. "Oh my God y/n..... can you feel that?" His legs started bobbing beneath me. "It's a fucking earthquake!" He yelled with a grin, bobbing me up and down on his legs and throwing me around. I laughed hysterically as he leaned over and dropped me, catching me just before my head hit the floor. "Get down!" He exclaimed trying to stay in character but unable to stop himself laughing as he threw me onto his bed and rolled me up in his duvet. "I'll save you y/n I'll save you!" He yelled out as the two of us laughed, Nathan's fox cackle present once again. I had missed that sound.
"I look like-" I gasped completely immobilised in the blanket. "I look like a little caterpillar woman, I wheezed, tears streaming from my eyes.
"My little caterpillar woman," he said with a dead serious face. Then we both burst out laughing again.
"You're such a good actor!" I said with a mock impressed voice, giggling as Nathan tickled me in retaliation.
"Don't even joke bitch, The Tempest in Junior year was the peak of my career!"

I wiggled free from my duvet cocoon and jumped into Nathan's arms, still laughing. The two of us continued to fool around, dancing and jumping around on his bed along to the music playing on his fancy stereo. I felt invincible, I felt completely elated. I felt loved.
"Come on then party girl," he said pulling me off his bed after half an hour of hyperactivity. "Let's chill out before someone calls the cops on us for the noise."
"As if the cops would say shit to you in this town," I laughed.
"Come on, come pick a t-shirt to sleep in," he said dragging me over to his chest of drawers. I took my dress off and Nathan went over and fumbled with his projector, and threw on a Supreme t-shirt. Way too big but I still felt pretty darn cool.
The screen of the projector changed and Nathan spun around with a satisfied smile and a raised eyebrow. It was the Mario Kart home screen. "Ready to get fucking annihilated, bitch?"
"You're on motherfucker," I grinned, snatching a Joy-con out of his hand.

And so we sat cross legged me in a baggy t- shirt and underwear, Nathan in his boxer shorts and Gucci t-shirt, and played Mario Kart into the night. Competition was pretty tight- we were both shocked by each other's skill levels. We spent hours laughing and joking and talking. It was so simple but so.... special. It was the bliss of every other evening I'd spent with him, only multiplied by a billion. Finally I began to get tired and called it quits.
"I'm done," I yawned putting my controller down.
"So I win?" Nathan smirked provocatively.
"No way dude, I've got to sleep well for our rematch tomorrow."
"I'm not 'dude' anymore, I'm 'babe', fucktard." he complained, shoving me a little.
"Babe and fucktard, what a beautiful duo," I said, pulling up the blanket and getting into Nathan's bed.
"You've still got that same fucking attitude you had when we met," he chuckled in a low voice as he clambered in next to me turning off the lamp on his bedside table.
"Oh yeah, my attitude was the big issue when we first met." I smiled, cuddling up next to him.
"You've got some fucking nerve, bitch." he cooed at me.
"I get that lot."
Nathan put his arm around me and held me tight. A few minutes passed before he spoke again.
"Y/n?" he said quietly.
"Yeah?" I whispered back.
"I love you."
I smiled.
"I love you too Nathan."

I fell asleep feeling safe and content.

I opened my eyes and recoiled at the sun sneaking through the window. It was light outside now... what time was it? I leaned over Nathan to grab my phone off his bedside table. He looked so cute sleeping. I smiled involuntary, then tucked myself back under his arm as I checked my phone. 6 am? Yikes it was early. I wouldn't have woken up if it weren't for that stupid noise....
I came to my senses a little more. What was that noise? I'd been hearing it all night, a kind of rattling and squeaking....
"Nathan." I said quietly, trying to wake him up as gently as possible. "Nathan, baby." I said shaking him a little.
"What time is it?" he said, inhaling deeply and stretching.
"What's that noise?" I asked him as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, yawning. "You look so pretty," he smiled at me, still in a haze as he transitioned into consciousness. "What noise?"
"Listen!" I said, sitting up next to him. We were quiet for a moment as he listened. A ray of sunlight snuck through the shutters, illuminating a little dust drifting in the air. Then the rattling kind of noise came again.
"It was supposed to be a surprise," he whined, pushing himself out of bed and walking over to his desk.
"What...?" but I wasn't kept in the dark for long. I gasped, as Nathan Prescott reached under his desk and pulled out my gift.
"Say hello to Pumpkin." He smiled at me, his eyes still bleary and lips still pouty from sleep. He reached into the cage and pulled out a little hamster, playing on her wheel (hence the rattling sound) and brought her over to me.
"Oh my God." I squealed, my eyes tearing up. "Hi!" I said quietly as he placed her in my hands. The sandy coloured little fluff ball sniffed around and nibbled at my finger. "Hi Pumpkin!"
I looked up to Nathan who was watching my fondly. Happy tears poured down my face. "I love her so much." I said barely able to speak.
"Awwww, don't cry!" he chuckled, putting his arm around me as I gently pet Pumpkin, completely enamoured with her.
"Thank you so much Nathan," I sniffed.
"You're welcome," he replied, kissing me on the forehead.

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