Chapter Sixteen

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Sun poured through the cracks in the shutters as I opened my eyes. It took me a moment to realise what was going on; I was in Nathan's room. Memories from yesterday flooded my mind and I smiled to myself. Nathan had his arm over me, almost like we were cuddling. He was still sound asleep over the covers, so I guessed it wasn't a conscious descision. I didn't want him feeling embarrassed when he woke up, so I wiggled out from underneath him and stood up.
Nathan looked so peaceful when he was asleep. It was the only time I'd seen him look properly relaxed; he always had an expression of slight anger and could never seem to sit still. I noticed he still twitched a little, even while unconscious.

"Okay, now what?" I murmured quietly to myself. I couldn't exactly go take a shower, considering I wasn't supposed to be here. I didn't want to wake Nathan up yet either, seeing as he'd drove me all the way from Portland last night. I checked my phone. Fuck, it was dead. I quietly made my way over to Nathan's desk and sat down. The table was littered with prescription drugs and next to his computer sat a photo frame. A little boy crying and a man... it must be Nathan and his dad, I concluded. He'd called him an asshole in the past, but I guessed their relationship was probably more complicated than that. Above his fancy computer, there were more BDSM-y looking posters. Hey, I wasn't here to kink shame the guy, but they were kind of... intense.
I grabbed some printer paper on the side and drew for a little while to pass the time. The streaks of sunlight casting from outside illuminated the surface of the paper, as I squiggled away with a chewed up blue biro I found lying around. Soon, my masterpiece was complete. A hamster, surrounded by flowers and hearts. I could be such a girly-girl sometimes. I labelled her with bubble letters; Pumpkin. A cute name for my cute, hopefully future hamster.

"What you doing?" I heard Nathan yawn, as he sat up.
"Oh, hey!" I smiled. "I hope I didn't wake you up."
"Nah, nah," he said pushing himself up off the bed. He wasn't way taller than me, but he was built well and I could see that his legs were kind of toned too. Urgh, why did he have to be so attractive. He walked over to the desk, stretching, and then leant over me. I could feel his breath on my neck and it made me shudder.
"Pumpkin?" he smirked, right next to my ear.
"I was just-" I said crumpling the paper up embarrassed. "My phone died and I didn't want to wake you up, so I was just doodling a bit." I would have got up and thrown it in the trash can, but Nathan had one hand on the desk and the other on the back of the chair, so I was essentially trapped.
"You're so fucking weird y/n," he sniggered, finally moving off of me.
"I should get dressed," I said, changing the subject. "You know, go back to the girls dorm, take a shower and stuff."
"Aw fuck, I hoped you would stay here and take a shower with me." he mocked in reply, while grabbing his own shower supplies from out of a drawer. I knew he was taking the piss, but the idea still gave me butterflies.
"Hm, maybe one day if you're lucky," I teased back, trying to reciprocate his flirting. I picked my clothes up from yesterday off the floor and went to put them on, but hesitated. "Stop looking then!" I yelled at Nathan laughing.
"What, so your allowed to perv on me, but I can't you? Fucking double standards, man," he whined chuckling, turning around. As much as I enjoyed this side of Nathan, a voice itched in the back of my mind. The second he's got in your pants, you'll never see him again. Of course, I'd assumed Victoria was just jealous, but... what if she was right?
"Well, I guess I'd better go," I said to Nathan once I was dressed. "Thank you so much for everything, yesterday was honestly so amazing. I loved it."
"Me too," he said, smiling subtlety as he put some pants on. "We should do it again sometime." I threw my arms around him and hugged him. He froze for a second, like he'd never experienced physical affection in his life. But then he wrapped his arms around me tightly and hugged me back. It was a good feeling.
"Let's go," he finally whispered in my ear. Nathan released me and peeked around the door. Once he established the coast was clear, we exited together. He probably just did that so we wouldn't get in trouble, I hoped to myself, following behind him.

"Hey, y/n!" It was Warren from across the hall, leaving his room. "What are you-?" he noticed Nathan in front of me and frowned.
"Hi!" I said, bouncing on my heels. "I was just going actually, but um, I'll talk to you in English class tomorrow, right?" Nathan was now at my side, staring Warren down.
"What are you doing with him?" Warren asked me, seeming genuinely concerned.
"Got a problem with me, dyke?" Nathan interjected, suddenly enraged.
"No, jeez I didn't mean-" Warren said panicked.
"Then mind your own fucking business," he hissed, dragging me away by the arm. I turned to Warren and mouthed an I'm sorry while he watched me get escorted away.

"Nathan what the hell was that?" I said furiously, yanking my arm out of his grip as we reached the door. "What gives you the right to talk to people that way?"
He looked at me, his expression steely. "I'm going to take a shower. You should go now."
Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? I looked at him, angry and perplexed. He stared straight back. 
"Fine." I said, turning my back and walking away.
Not exactly how I had hoped to end our weekend together. I had felt so close to Nathan yesterday.... I tried not to cry as I made my way back to my own room. It's okay, I told myself. Not the end of the world. It's not like he hates me or anything. This mood swing had certainly given me whiplash though. But with any luck, I'd convince him to apologise to Warren and it'd be like this never happened. I hoped.

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