Chapter Ten

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Sunday arrived, introduced by a thunderstorm. I sat up in my bed, watching the torrential rain attack my windows. Immediately, I thought about Nathan. Would we still be able to meet up in the parking lot tonight with weather this crazy? I hoped so. I was tempted to text him, but it was still only 9am. I didn't want to look too keen.

I had a mini kettle in my room, so decided to knock on Max's door to see if she wanted a cup of tea. Maybe I should ask Kate too, I thought to myself. She seemed nice and I'd like to be closer with her. Our beliefs were quite different but that was no reason we couldn't be friends, right?

Fast forward five minutes, and the three of us were lounging in my room gossiping; me and Kate on the bed, Max on my desk chair. Max and me were still in our pyjamas, but of course Kate was already dressed. She seemed the type of girl to be ready and organised from the crack of dawn.
We talked about Warren's infatuation with Max, and so the conversation quickly turned to everyone's love life.
"So, what do you make of him? He's cute, and pretty endearing." I encouraged Max, as a sipped my tea with a coy smile.
"If you didn't have scalding tea in your hands, I'd totally throw this guy at you right now," she said threatening me, my stuffed animal poised above her. Me and Kate continued to stare at her, grinning in await of her response. "Do I really have to answer...? Jesus, I don't know, I mean he is kind of... I don't know! Pass."
"Max, you can't pass you have to tell us." Kate insisted laughing.
"No way. I'm passing it on to y/n. Do you have a crush on anyone at Blackwell?"
I doubted Max and Kate would be thrilled to hear my answer. I knew they didn't like Nathan, and I could understand why, but I'd be lying to them if I said I didn't have any feelings for him.

Before I could contemplate it any further, however, there a was a rap on my door. The uninvited guest did not wait for me to open up. Instead, she waltzed right into my room and leant herself against the wall.
"Can't believe you didn't invite me to your little breakfast gathering!" Victoria simpered with a mocking pout. "Would totally loved to have sat around talking about how desperate y/n is for Nathan."
Ouch. At least now I didn't have to answer Max's crush question.
"I'm not desperate, he asked to see me. Can you leave now please? Like you said, you weren't invited."
"Trust me, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." She sniggered. "I just wanted to let you know, that Nathan may be humouring you for now, but the second he gets in your pants, you'll never see him again. I can't imagine that'll be long either, with the way you are."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Victoria was beyond childish. "Yep, I'm a major slut and Nathan's too cool for me. I've got it." She looked furious, clearly trying to conjure a response. Nothing came to her.
Luckily, Max was happy to take her place as the speaker. "Can you get your jealous ass out of here now please? I'm sure you've got your own friends around here somewhere."
"Whatever. Enjoy your, 'I'm so quirky' crap." Victoria concluded, promptly slamming the door behind her.

"Thanks so much for backing me up." I said, putting my tea down to hug Max.
"Of course, any time. What's all this about you and Nathan, though? It's Nathan Prescott, right?"
I sighed, returning to my position on the bed. I felt obliged to come clean after Max just defended me.
"Can you guys keep a secret?"
"Of course," set Kate resting a hand on my knee while Max nodded.
I told them about my meetings with Nathan in the parking lot, what happened at the party and that I was starting to have feelings for him. It felt so embarrassing to say out-loud, knowing Nathan would never like me back, but it was good to get off my chest nonetheless.
"And you're meeting him again tonight?" Max asked, skeptically.
"Yeah, I know you don't like him, and I'm not defending that he can be a real asshole. I just think, there's something beneath it all."
Despite being apprehensive, both Max and Kate encouraged me to meet Nathan again if it made me happy. I was relieved they were both such supportive friends, and we spent the rest of the morning chilling out and laughing about Victoria's bullshit together. Yet, despite not giving her the satisfaction of knowing it, Victoria's words did play on my mind. Was Nathan really just interested in me for sex? It didn't seem like it, and she'd lied to me about Hayden. I tried to dismiss the thought, but Victoria had planted a seed of doubt about Nathan Prescott in the back of my mind.

Author's Note
Please let me know whether you'd like to see Max be with Warren/ Chloe/ no one in this story! I really don't have a preference so y'all readers can choose :)

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