Chapter Eleven

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Nathan: wear something warm, I want to take you somewhere.

Y/n: okay cool, where ?

Nathan: nowhere too exciting. you'll see.

I read through the messages again. I guessed it would be cool to hang out with Nathan somewhere other than the parking lot, but where did he have in mind? Nowhere too exciting, he said- but of course I was excited.
I looked at what I'd been wearing throughout the day: a tennis skirt, knee high socks and t-shirt. Cute, but not exactly suited to the cold. I threw a sweater and some boots on (my knees would have to survive exposed for the sake of fashion) and put Nathan's jacket on too. Too much? Nah, it was just flirty... but what if Nathan didn't like that? I mean he was the one who told me to wear it in the first place... but what if he wanted to wear it tonight? What if he was going to put it on when I gave it to him?
After overthinking the situation for about five minutes while staring at myself blankly in the mirror, I took it off. I'd wear my own jacket and still look cute, I concluded, throwing it on as I left my dorm to go meet Nathan.

Blackwell parking lot, 10pm

"Hey Nathan Shmaythan!"
"What the fuck did you just call me?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Nathan Shmaythan, it's your new nickname." I said happily as I approached him.
I was becoming more and more comfortable every time we met, but I could still feel butterflies in my stomach. Nathan was leaning against his red SUV, swinging the car keys around his index finger. I could tell how handsome he looked, even through the darkness settling around us. He wore a similar bomber jacket to the one I clutched in my arms, except this one was blue, not red. Guess I could have worn his after all, I lamented to myself.
"Real original," he said, clocking onto his new nickname with a smirk. "Go ahead, jump in." He continued, opening the passenger side door for me.
"Thank you," I said as I clambered into the car. "Where are we going anyway?"
"I thought we could chill up by the lighthouse for a while, if that's cool with you. It's quiet up there and I'm fed up freezing my ass off on that stupid fucking wall."
"Oh cool, I haven't been up there before. I bet you get a view of the whole town and the ocean too... it sounds fun." I said as Nathan got in the car next to me.
"Yeah it's a nice spot to kind of just... get away from shit you know? At least at this time of night it is."
"Hey I've got an idea! We should stop at seven eleven for some snacks! Then we can have like, a mini picnic up there."
"A picnic?" He sniggered. "You know if you're hungry I can literally drive you to Portland and take you to the nicest restaurant in the state."
"No way, I'll show you how much fun we can have with only $11 to my name." I said with contempt. Nathan gave me a look, raising his eyebrow. "Not like that!" I yelled pushing him playfully.

And so we shortly arrived at the seven eleven parking lot, my chump change in hand. As soon as we walked in, the cashier seemed to flinch at the sight of Nathan- it was easy for me to forget the reputation his family had in Arcadia Bay. I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile as I began to peruse the isles. The store was essentially empty, so the two of us had free reign. There was something odd about being at an empty store at night; like we were in a different reality. It was oddly silent.
I turned to Nathan, trying not to laugh. I don't know what came over me, but it was so quiet that I felt like talking wasn't allowed. The more perplexed he looked, the bigger the effort I had to make not to burst out giggling. What was funny? I didn't know. But we hadn't spoke since we'd entered and now it felt too late. Nathan's smile grew too and eventually we just stood, in the middle of the canned goods isle, staring at each other, pulling stupid faces trying to stop ourselves from laughing out loud. Eventually I keeled over, gasping for air from silently laughing so hard. Nathan soon joined me, having to physically put his hand over his mouth.
Finally, I shoved him and looked up. He had tears in his eyes from the whole situation, and it just set me off again. A few minutes later, a second push and we were finally walking once more. We couldn't look at each other and we were smiling as if we were possessed.

When we finally reached the slushie machine, I whispered to him while gesturing madly at the two colours. "Which flavour?"
"What?" he mouthed, with a comically confused face.
"Whiiiiiihihich. flayyyyyvourrrrr." I mouthed back grinning. Why were we whispering was beyond both of us, but we were committed to it now.
So Nathan got red and I got blue. We walked back around the store, picking up some cheap snacks and chocolate, still in complete silence. I did a kart wheel in one of the isles in an attempt to make Nathan crack up at last, but he stayed strong. In competition, he then slid down that same isle on his belly like a penguin. Hilarious as it was, I was now determined to make him laugh more. With new shenanigans with each isle we walked through, we eventually reached the counter- it was a tie. We stood side by side, trying to keep a straight face as the cashier scanned our items.
"That's $10.14 please," she said looking to Nathan. I handed her the money instead. And we left, with a grocery bag full of off brand snacks and a slushie each. We walked out of the store, unable to look each other in the eyes, but the second we got back in the car it was all over. We both keeled over cackling, Nathan's fox laugh making a reappearance for the second night in a row. It took us both at least ten minutes to recover, and then finally we were driving again, tears still in our eyes from laughing. If anyone looked at the security footage from that night, they would think both me and Nathan Prescott were completely deranged.

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