Chapter Twenty

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I woke up the following morning, swaddled in my duvet and immediately smiled, remembering last night. It was an amazing feeling. For a few minutes a lay there, content, staring at my ceiling and thinking about Nathan. He had kissed me.
Eventually I came to my senses and sat up, still unable to stop myself smiling. Dana; I had to tell her what had happened. Buzzing with excitement to tell my best friend about last nights romance, I jumped out of bed and to my door, still in pyjamas.
It seems as if I'd left my room the exact same second as Victoria. Great. She gave me her classic smug smile. I always got the sense that she knew something I didn't. Whatever. I'd kissed Nathan Prescott. Nothing could bring down my good mood. I smiled back brightly at her as a continued down to Dana's room, a spring in my step.

Dana was almost as ecstatic as me when I told her what had happened. We were like middle schoolers in a trashy movie, sat around squealing over a boy I'd kissed. But it was great. After just over a month a Blackwell, I had a supportive best friend, classes I was enjoying and maybe even soon a boyfriend. It seemed like everything was finally going my way.
That was, until Monday.

I had of course started the day elated. I saw Nathan in the corridor on the way to Chemistry class and he winked at my subtly, his hands in his jacket pockets. My heart soared.

Last period was Media Studies and I entered the class only for everyone to turn and look at me. Okay, weird I thought. I shuffled through the desks and over to Dana, sitting down next to her as a couple people whispered. Victoria looked particularly happy.
"What's going on?" I asked Dana, unnerved.
She hadn't met my eye since I'd entered the room.
"Hey, are you mad at me about something?" I asked as panic rose in my chest.
A substitute teacher bumbled into the room and Dana finally looked at me.
"Listen, y/n, I have to show you something and it's not going to be nice." she sighed, putting a hand on mine.
I felt sick. "Just show me."
Dana pulled out her phone and pressed play on a video sent to the Blackwell seniors group chat. I watched, my stomach churning. Nathan and Hayden were in frame, sat together at the Two Whales with someone else filming. It didn't seem like the two boys were aware of this.
"Why'd you see so much of her then?" Hayden inquired, the video evidently starting mid-conversation.
"Who?" Nathan replied instantaneously.
"I don't see her. I don't even know her really."
"So you guys aren't friends?" said a voice from behind the camera. I recognised it at once; Victoria.
Nathan looked at the table. "No."
"Thank God." Hayden laughed. "Me and Vic were worried you were banging some chick who's not even in the Vortex Club."
"What would give you that fucking idea?" Nathan growled. The three were quiet for a second until Nathan let out a low disingenuous laugh, unlike his usual high spirited fox-like cackle. "she's just another hippie slut who wants to get in the Vortex Club, that's the only reason she follows me around."
"Yeah, I totally knew it." said Victoria's disembodied voice and the video cut off.

I said nothing, frozen to my seat.
"Y/n?" Dana said quietly, leaning in to hug me as my eyes got blurry with tears.
"Excuse me for a second." I said, standing abruptly and quickly leaving the room. I stormed down the corridor, barely able to see as tears continued to pour down my face. I shook with rage and sadness. How could he?

I spotted him lounging on the front lawn of Blackwell. I couldn't contain my emotions.
"I saw that little video in the group chat. We're not friends are we? I'm just some hippie slut?" I yelled at Nathan, crying uncontrollably.
"Woah, y/n calm down," he said as he stood up briskly and steered me in the opposite direction of where some other students were sitting.
I pushed his hands off of me. "Don't you dare fucking tell me to calm down." I seethed. "It all makes sense now, huh? Dropping me off behind the school, sneaking me out of your dorm, not wanting to be seen with me at the Two Whales. Kissing me outside of the party! Telling all your cool rich friends that you don't even know me!"
"Y/n, please." Nathan said sternly, grasping my shoulders. "Let me explain."
I thrashed out of his grip. "Explain what? That your embarrassed to be seen with me? That I'm not good enough for you?" Tears continued to streak down my face.
"You are good enough, you're so much more than everyone else here." Nathan said frustrated through gritted teeth.
"Bullshit." I hissed at him. "Victoria was right about you. I'm glad you had fun with your little charity case, buying me dresses and fancy dinners. But it's over now, okay? I'm not doing this anymore, I deserve better."
"Y/n, please!" He shouted after me as I walked away, sounding angry as he always did. I heard him yell out and kick over a trash bin in frustration. I didn't look back. I just kept on walking.

After walking and crying for about half an hour with no destination, I finally stopped myself. I sat amongst the trees where I'd ended up, and attempted to calm myself down. I could see the lighthouse in the distance. I felt broken.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Dana. "Dana?" I finally weeped quietly. "Can you come pick me up please?"
After sitting in the trees alone for ten more minutes, Dana finally arrived. She threw her arms around me and held my hand back to the car. I was still in pieces as she drove me back to Blackwell.

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