Chapter Nineteen

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Arctic Monkeys blared through the speakers as Dana and me entered the party arm in arm (Trevor was with 'the boys' on this occasion). The strobe lights and quaking floor brought back memories from the last party. This would be different I assured myself.

We made our way through the crowds of people dancing and over to the VIP section. This party seemed even wilder than the last, if possible. People swarmed across the floor with bongs, cigarettes and solo cups in hand, going absolutely apeshit to the music. DJ Doom had once again taken up his podium at the foot of the pool, looking down on a small army of inebriated teenagers. I smiled at Dana like an idiot, feeling excited again. This party was going to be different.

"Uh, Dana?" I yelled over the noise as we came to a halt. "No way in Hell is Courtney going to let me into the VIP area this time."
"Shit, I forgot about that," she shouted back, looking around. "One sec, I've got a plan."

She stepped away from me and pushed through the crowd to talk to Justin, one of Trevor's skater friends. I watched them talk for a moment before they both came strolling back over.
Trevor turned to us with a grin, then fell comically over the table in front of the VIP lounge, spilling his drink all over Courtney.
"What the fuck!" she screamed, as she stood up soaking wet. "You fucking r*tard!" She shoved past Trevor, who was pretending to be way more drunk than he was, and stormed into the bathroom to clean herself up.
"Thank you so much!" I shouted over to Trevor, laughing.
"No problem! I hate that bitch!" he yelled back, slinking away from the table with a goofy dance.
"You've got some great friends." I giggled at Dana as she dragged me through the curtain before Courtney came back.
Dana went to the bar and got us both drinks (I had opted for cider instead of vodka; I was going to take it slower tonight) and then we danced. I let go of all my inhibitions as Dana twirled me round and I lifted her up like we were in an 80s romance movie. Ballroom dancing, cheerleading, breakdancing we tried a bit of everything, executing each of them poorly. But we were having fun, and I didn't care what anyone thought. We even pulled out a routine we'd made at one of our sleepovers, putting on a show for an invisible audience. I couldn't stop smiling the whole time. Dana really was my best friend.
My phone buzzed in my purse and I pulled it out, still bobbing around with Dana like a fool. It was a text from Nathan.

Nathan: nice moves

I guess we did have an audience after all. I scoured the room looking for him, then spotted him leaning against the wall, with a joint between his fingers. He wore skinny jeans, Balenciagas and a white, half tucked in shirt. And of course, his signature red bomber jacket. He smirked at me from across the room, taking a puff of his spliff. My God he looked hot. I grinned back, full of dopamine and adrenaline.
He started walking over. My heart pounded. I stared at Dana, trying to communicate what was happening through purely facial expressions. She looked puzzled, and still hadn't worked out what I was trying to tell her by the time Nathan Prescott had reached me.
"Meet me outside," he said in my ear as he walked past, sending tingles down my spine. He left behind his familiar aroma of weed and aftershave. I turned around and watched him strut through the curtain to the VIP lounge and disappear from sight.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
I immediately leaned into Dana and told her what he'd just said. She squealed, practically shoving me away from her to go meet him.
"Will you be okay on your own?" I yelled, unable to stop myself from smiling.
"Yes, I'll find Juliet. Now go!" she commanded, shooing me away. Butterflies infested my stomach as I made my way out of the VIP lounge and towards the exit of the party.

The night air hit me like a shockwave, and I folded my arms for warmth, looking around for Nathan. I spotted him on the wall of the parking lot; the very same place we'd spent hours talking and joking in the past couple of weeks. I power walked over to him, unable to contain my excitement. He stood up as I approached, smiling sweetly.
"You look beautiful in that dress," he said in a low voice once I'd reached him.
"You're not looking bad yourself," I said back quietly, falling into his eyes. They often seemed so icy and impenetrable, but tonight it felt like I could swim in them.
Nathan moved closer to me, and I sensed the warmth of his presence; it gave me goosebumps. He took off his jacket and put it over my shoulders.
"You're so special y/n." he said, placing his hands lightly on my hips.
"You're special too." I replied. He was so close now there was no need to speak louder than a whisper. "You're special to me."
The cold left my body and the faded music I could hear from the party drowned out. All I could hear now was my heart beating in my ears. Nathan Prescott pulled me close and kissed me.
Tucked away in the corner of a grubby parking lot, my heart melted as I felt into him, kissing back like I loved him. And I did love him. I was in love with Nathan Prescott. This exact spot suddenly became sacred to me. I didn't want to be anywhere else. I was kissing the boy I'd been falling in love with since I started Blackwell.
After a blissful eternity, we both pulled away, looking into each other's eyes, still so close to each other. No words were said but they didn't need to be. We smiled. I was so happy. I felt invincible. We stood there for a moment taking in the moment.
Nathan twitched a little as we both heard a noise from way across the lot.
"Nate, where the fuck have you gone!?" It was Hayden and a couple other of Nathan's friends. I looked up at him and laughed quietly. He moved his hands up from my waist to my shoulders and kissed me on the forehead, before taking off with a jaunty walk in their direction.

I sat down on the cool bricks, pulling Nathan's jacket around me. I looked up at the stars, the same stars I'd stared at that night at the lighthouse with Nathan. I smiled at them and they glinted down encouragingly.
"Thank you." I whispered contently into the sky.

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