Chapter Twenty Three

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Dana's room
"I don't want to go."
"We're going."
"You can go, but I'm not."
The Vortex Club's Halloween party was tomorrow night, and whether to attend or not had turned into a real crisis for me. I wasn't exactly in the mood to dance and stuff....
"You're coming with, end of story. You deserve a night to kick back and party." concluded Dana.
"But what if he's there?" I pleaded.
"What if he is? You'll look good as hell and it'll be a great opportunity to finally talk to him."

Talking to Nathan. Right. A few days ago he'd sent me a text, saying he wanted to meet up if I'd be willing to see him. I hadn't responded. I mean, what was there even to say....? I couldn't exactly imagine him apologising. And even if he did, I didn't know if I could forgive him. I knew the conversation was inevitable, but I continued to avoid it for as long as I could.
"Talk to him? Yeah, I'm.... not prepared for that yet." I said laying back onto Dana's bed. "Plus how am I supposed to look bomb when I have nothing to wear? I can't show up to a Halloween party without a costume. I guess I can't go!" I chirped.
Dana shook her head smiling. "Nice try. But you know how obsessed I am with Halloween. You really think I don't have a costume going spare?"
She shuffled through her closet while I sighed and rolled away from her, facing the wall.
"Y/n, look." she said, pulling me up into a sitting position while I slumped, uncooperatively. She held a pair of wings and an emerald party dress.
"What's that suppo-"
"It's Tinkerbell!" she said impatiently. "Come on, I'll put some glitter on your face and some pom-poms on your sneakers, it'll be cute!"
I looked at the dress she was holding. It was pretty.... and a party could certainly take my mind off things...
"Fine. But you're doing my makeup!" I added sternly as Dana literally jumped for joy. "And if I don't like it you're legally obliged to walk me back to the dorms." I added with an accusing point.
"You've got a deal."

Halloween, 9:51 pm
"You guys look amazing!" I yelled excitedly when Max and Kate came to meet us outside the party, running up and hugging them with Dana. They did look incredibly cute; Max has her usual getup, but with some deer face paint to match her t-shirt, and Kate's head was adorned with little bunny ears. Of course, Dana outshined us all though. Zombie cheerleader was a pretty niche thing to go as, but Dana has managed to pull it off with some amazing special effects makeup and fake blood. The crickets chirped in the cool autumn evening as we entered the party.

Yes, I was really nervous. But at least I felt cute. Dana was a good friend for loaning me a costume. I took a deep breath once the four of us were in, greeted by the usual strobe lights and crude graffiti. It was cool. I was cool. If anything went wrong, Dana could take me back.
Max and Kate looked a little uneasy too. I guessed this just wasn't their usual scene.
"Come on pussy boys, let's dance!" said Dana, grabbing Kate and me by the hands and twirling us around. I laughed anxiously and played along, grabbing Max by the arm and following Dana's lead.

Max was lanky and her dancing was awkward, Kate's moves were shy and conservative and mine were, well, shit. Dana really carried us through this whole party business. We drank soda, sat and chatted some shit, then resumed our sub-par dancing. Despite still feeling on edge, I was having fun, and was happy to be surrounded by friends.

"Hey, me and y/n are gonna hit VIP now, are you two coming?" Dana yelled over the music after about forty minutes.
"Yeah, no." Max laughed giving Kate a knowing look. "You guys go ahead though, we can always meet you later."
"For sure!" I shouted back, waving them goodbye and following Dana to the other side of the room.

"You go ahead, I've gotta pee." I said to Dana.
"Seriously? Don't break the seal! You've had like one Coke." she replied disapprovingly.
"Fuck you man I'm on my period," I said punching her lightly on the shoulder and smiling. "I'll be like five minutes."
And so, my toilet escapade was in motion. An excruciatingly long line and a visit to one repulsive bathroom stall later, and I was back out into the party.

Zoning out a little, I made my way over to the crimson curtain guarding the VIP section. I was quickly brought back down to earth by a shrill voice.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" It was Courtney, on guard duty. Fuck I forgot. Didn't she ever get tired of being a Vortex Club pawn?
"Dana's in there," I explained. "I said I'd meet her."
"As if I'm going to let that fly after what you pulled last time. I totally know you got Justin to spill that shit on me on purpose."
"I didn't," I pleaded, starting to stress out. "Listen, just let me go speak to her quick and I'll be straight back out, okay?" I didn't want to walk back to the dorm on my own, especially not with that sketchy RV in the parking lot. Apparently the dude who lived there was selling drugs to Hayden earlier. At any rate, it looked like my fun was over for this party, but I at least wanted to walk home with my friend.
"No way," Courtney snapped smiling at me. "Fuck off."
"She's with me." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't have to turn around to recognise who it was. I could smell the pot and the aftershave.... what the hell was he doing?
"Seriously?" Courtney raised an eyebrow. "You can't just let her-"
"This shitty little party wouldn't even be happening if it weren't for my cash. I make the rules. Y/n is with me."

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