Chapter Six

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Fast forward to Monday and I hadn't heard from Nathan since the night in the parking lot. Cool. Good. This is what I had wanted from the start. No more Nathan Prescott.
Yet, I couldn't help but feel a bit offended. I thought we'd had a good time. I guess I just wasn't cool enough for him, wasn't Vortex Club enough. At least I'd been able to properly focus on my studies for a few days and really get a feel for Blackwell. Having my faith restored in Dana, now one of my best friends, was a blessing too. I felt guilty for ever doubting her, and we had an amazing weekend making silly dance routines in her room and eating Ben and Jerry's, like little kids. The novelty of dorm sleepovers was yet to wear off for me, and it felt like it never would.

And of course my love and appreciation for Max skyrocketed after what she did to help resolve my problem with Nathan. Not only did she cut class just to clear my name, but risked her entire scholarship by sneaking around in Victoria's room.
I didn't know her super well, but a vintage necklace I spotted at the thrift store seemed right up her street. It was a bronze key on a thin chain, in a small leather box. It was pretty, but understated, and the romantic kind of mystery a key held seemed like the kind of thing Max would appreciate. I left it in her room for her on Friday, with a thank you note on top of the box. It warmed my heart to see her wearing it the next day.

After a full day of classes, I chilled in Dana's dorm while she looked online for an outfit. I sprawled across her bed, poking my head up every now and again to give my opinion on the clothes she was looking at on her laptop.
"What event is this even for?" I inquired, as she contemplated over a pink velvet body-con dress.
"The party Friday, duh!" She said, adding the dress to her basket.
"What party?"
She looked at my surprised. "The Vortex Club party! I assumed you knew about it and were going to come along. You are coming, right? You totally have to. I'm a Vortex Club member, I bet I can pull some strings to get you in the VIP section with me and Trevor."
A party did sound like it could be fun, and I could always come back to the dorms if I didn't like it.
"I don't know... I mean it sounds kinda appealing," I said looking at her with a wry smile. I thought about the one party dress I had brought with me to Blackwell. It was silky and black, with a short hemline and an exposed back. It would be a nice excuse to wear it right...?
"Then it's settled. You're coming with me. We're going VIP baby!"

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