Chapter Two

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My first day of classes was done, each period with a varying level of success. Chemistry was almost definitely at the bottom of that scale. Nonetheless, as I walked up the stairs to the girls dorm, I couldn't help but think of that boy; what was his name again? Nathan. Nathan Prescott. The whole ordeal must have freaked me out to have him playing on my mind so much.
On a brighter note, I'd made a new friend in my disaster of a Chemistry lesson. Her name was Dana. She was a cheerleader, and at face value we didn't have much in common, but she was positive, and so outwardly friendly that I couldn't help but like her. She even gave me her social media. Maybe I could message her later.
My hand was on the door handle to my room, but I was tapped on the shoulder before I could enter.
"Hi," I said turning around, a little startled. I was met with a girl who was beautiful in an unconventional way. She had a button nose, short blonde hair and a satisfied smile that made me feel a little uneasy.
"I don't think I've met you yet. I'm-" I started, trying to introduce myself.
"I saw you trying to pick a fight with Nate earlier." She looked smug. "Don't worry. I think it's totally cute that you have this tough girl persona. But it won't last."
What the hell..? I stood with my mouth kind of open. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and continued trying to be polite.
"I um, no, it was just- he pushed me in the corridor, on accident," I explained. "It's not a big deal, I kind of just want to forget about it you know." I said smiling anxiously.
"Well Nathan won't forget about it. I bet you loved getting a bit of attention from such an important member of the Vortex Club. Typical. I hope you enjoyed it, because it's made you a lot of enemies."
"It was just an accident, I don't understand-" She was walking away before I could finish my sentence.
"Au revoir." She said smugly, returning to her own room. I read the name plaque on her door: Victoria.

I opened my door and collapsed onto my bed. What the fuck was wrong with these people? Everyone seemed to hate me already, just because I stood up for myself a tiny bit. I tried not to cry, but failed. Why did I have to be such a baby? I hugged my stuffed animal close. He smelt familiar, like home. I didn't get to bring much of my stuff with me because Blackwell was so far away, but I'd had him since I was born and I'd brought him along for the next chapter of my life. If only it was going the way I imagined.
As I stared up at the twinkle lights around my room, clutching close to (y/sa/n), I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I wiped my tears quickly and read it.

Unknown sender: Watch your back (y/n). I know where you sleep.

(Y/n): your bitch Victoria's already come over to threaten me. leave me alone

Man was this bizarre. I didn't even do anything! I had to get out of here for a while. There was a diner not far away, the Two Whales. Yes, I thought to myself. I just grab a hot chocolate from there, go for a little walk and chill. I needed some time to myself.

I put my headphones in and shuffled my favourite songs. I got the bus into town, as I didn't have a car and watched the scenery fly by from the window. Arcadia Bay was so pretty, and despite a rocky start, I was glad to be here.
I reached the Two Whales and loitered around the counter as a waitress prepared my drink. That's when I noticed him in a booth- the Prescott boy. I hoped the waitress would be quick with my order. I definitely did not want another run in with him. He was by himself, looking through pictures on his digital camera. His leg was restless and his hair was messy, but in a cute kind of way... oh god. Oh no. He'd caught me looking at him. He stared dead into my eyes and I looked away quickly. Was there a chance he hadn't noticed? He definitely noticed. Why did I have to space out like that?
I thanked the waitress for my drink and bee-lined for the door. Prescott beat me to it. He waltzed in front of it, smiling down at me maliciously.
"Um, excuse me," I said, avoiding his gaze.
"Oh lost your confidence? Happy to send me catty little text messages but don't want to talk to me in person?" He seemed to be enjoying himself.
"Listen, I-"
"Come on y/n, let's talk this out" he said still smirking as he steered my into the booth near the door. His grip on my arm was unpleasantly tight.
"Let go of me." I said trying not to panic. He sat next to me so I couldn't get out of the booth. There was that smell again, that same aftershave. He was so close to me and I couldn't get out until he let me.
I stared up into his blue eyes, waiting for his next move. Was he going to yell at me? Threaten me? Heck, hit me? I was shaking a little and of course he noticed.
"No need to be so nervous." he said but his expression contradicted this. He was mocking me. "Come on speak up y/n. We already know you've got a big mouth. Let me here that stupid fucking pretentious accent again."
I remain silent, too shaken to speak. He inched closer to me and a pressed myself back against the wall.
"I get it you're trying to intimidate me." I finally said. "Congrats, I'm shook. Can I go now please?"
He laughed. "Jeez this bitch has balls. I run this shit hole." He said getting more serious. "I could get you expelled from that piss pot school in a heartbeat. Then you're artsy little photography dreams would be crushed."
"I'm not a photographer," I mumbled looking down at the table. Was that honestly my response?
"What?" He looked irritated. His leg was still bobbing up and down. Was that a nervous thing? Nah, it couldn't be. I was the one literally quaking.
"I'm not a photographer. I'm studying video game design," I continue staring down at my cup. For a split second he seemed intrigued, but it didn't last.
"Whateverthefuck. I don't give a shit."
"Listen, I'm sorry for getting pissed at you earlier, I am." I said finally meeting his gaze. "It was an accident, maybe I overreacted a little." It was clear he was the one who overreacted, but I was willing to let that slide if it meant he'd get off my crack. He just looked at me, and I tried to decipher his expression. "If you don't like me it's fine it's whatever I'll stay out of your way. The last bus is in like, five minutes though, so can I please just go?"

He paused.
"The bus?"
"You don't have a car?" He took satisfaction in this question. Apparently people who weren't uber rich were amusing to him.
"No." I said bluntly.
"You'll miss it."
"Not if I go now I won't." Nathan didn't budge. His stare was relentless. I wondered what he was thinking. He finally looked up and nodded to the window, a sadistic smile appearing on his face. The yellow school bus drove on past the diner. Fuck.
It had to be at least an hours walk back to school, not to mention I didn't know the way.
"Can I just go please Prescott." I said defeatedly, accepting my fate of a long, confusing walk home.

"I'll give you a ride." He said. I looked up, surprised and he seemed surprised by his own words too.
"You don't have to-"
"I am. There's some fucking creeps around here. You don't want to walk home at night."
This seemed... out of character? One minute he was threatening to get me expelled, the next offering me a ride home? Maybe this was some kind of setup. Did I really want to get in a car with this freak? I guess my apology went a ways further than I thought.
"Ok," I said despite myself, smiling a little. Ew. Why was I smiling. He didn't seem to appreciate it either.
"You didn't have a choice anyway" he grumbled, finally releasing my from my greasy booth prison as he stood up, grabbing his red jacket from the table. I followed him out to the parking lot.

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