Twenty One • Finding Hope

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We've lost
We've all lost our way before
We've gone
We've gone too far away from hope

We're stuck
Stuck in the middle of the world
Searching and searching
For everything we've never learned
About hope

I'm caught in the middle
Undoing the riddle
That I can't unfold, oh
Untangling the movements
But it seems so useless
When I'm wondering where we went wrong

Finding hope
We can all cope
When trying to unscramble
And unravel
What it means to be okay

Finding hope
It's a long road
That we've all got to travel
But we can handle
Whatever comes our way
Whatever comes our way



"Let's get 'er going!"

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"Let's get 'er going!"

Emotions ran high as I rested my head onto my palm. As I looked at the water below the bridge, I thought about my girlfriend, Bayley.

If we do miraculously find her, what condition will she be in? Hell, is she even alive?


I turned around to see Naomi, looking at me with a sad face.

"What the hell do you want?" I could not help but growl at her. I hated this woman. She helped Alexa take Bayley from me and who knows what Naomi has done to my girlfriend, because I don't believe she just left my Bayley alone without hurting her.

Naomi sighed at my vicious response and rested her head against the side of the van. "Look Rebecca," She took some breaths before continuing to speak to me.

"Just give her a chance."

I looked at Ronda incredulously.

"Give her a chance?" I growled. "Hell no, she helped those bitches take my girlfriend and who knows what they have done to her so far! Until we find Bayley and until I know that she's safe with me, I will always hate you." I finished, staring directly in Naomi's eyes with anger.

"Becky calm down." Seth rubbed my back and whispered in my ear. I held my hands together, praying to God that I don't snap on Naomi and just rip her guts out right here, because I'm just about to.

Naomi continued to speak, which got me off guard for a small moment.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong and I regret it. Bayley never deserved any of it and I'm so sorry about doing what I did to you, I really am. Just let me show you that I've changed." She pleaded, looking like she wanted to bawl her eyes out.

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