Two • A Spark in my Heart

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THE cold breeze blew against my shoulders as I exited Stephanie's office. It felt amazing to finally be in this school, especially since it's been my dream since childhood.

I walked around the dorm buildings, in search of mine. To be completely honest, I was a bit nervous to meet my roommate. I was worried if she'd act just like that Alexa girl from earlier. I did my best not to stress though due to my personality. I'm not a hard person to get along with.

If I could describe my personality in three words, I'd chose: Loving, caring and empathic.

As I walked up to Building F, I looked at the big sign to see the dorm rooms that were held in this building.

I groaned, not seeing dorm 28 at all. I felt myself becoming a little frustrated because these bags are heavy and I just want to find the dorm and rest.

I saw a bench in the distance, so I walked over and sat on it. I let an exhausted sign out and retrieved my phone from my pocket. I got on the Candy Crush app, which I was skilled at. I smiled as I began to play the game.

"Damnit! Stupid thing!" I giggled in frustration.

But as I played Candy Crush, a smooth but strong hand pressed onto my shoulder. I flinched and quickly whipped around.

"Hey lass, you lost?"

I examined the girl who stood behind me. She had a head full of fiery orange hair that dropped to her mid waist. Her hair was wore down except for a small strand of it that was braided and tucked in the back of her right ear. She had a fit body, with lean muscles that sculpted her arms and shoulders perfectly.

She was... Beautiful.

Absolutely Beautiful

She wore a black tank top that said "THE MAN" in a white print, dark blue and black jean shorts with fishnets underneath and to top it all off, black boots.

"Lass? You alright?"

I identified the accent.

'She's definitely Irish' I thought.

"U-Uh yeah." I said, still confused and a bit scared. The girl giggled at my obvious uneasiness.

"Don't be worried. I'm Rebecca Lynch, but everyone just calls me Becky or Becks." She said, putting her hand out to shake mine.

I stood up from the bench.

"Oh! I'm Bayley." I introduced as I shook her hand.

"Ah, Bayley." She said. I nodded and then she asked, "So you must be new. I haven't seen you here at all before. Where have you come from, lass?"

"California." I answered.

Becky nodded. "I'm originally from Ireland. I did wrestling in a place for underground fighters in Ireland. My former coach, Martin Stewart, told me about the school and encouraged me to apply and I did... Now I'm here for my third semester. I used to just be a small time fighter and now I'm going a long way." She explained.

"That's amazing!" I said.

"Yeah," Becky nodded. "So what's your story? I told you mine, tell me yours. I'm curious."

I sighed. "Well I come from The Golden State, California. I tried a class during seventh grade just to have fun but as I continued to go I found out that this was my skill to do. Besides, when I was a little girl I watched wrestling everyday and a lot of childhood influences went to this school. My mom told me to apply, so I did. Then about two months ago, I got the email from Principal McMahon and I'm here now." I said softly.

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