Twenty Three • Unbreakable

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I chose to continue because I know there are people who genuinely love this book and I can't let them down. Thank you everyone for the support and I love you guys!❤️



"Hey Bay Bay."

I was in disbelief, confused.

"So, how's it been?" Charlotte asked me, chuckling as Alexa giggled too.

I was still shocked, trying to process what was happening. Suddenly, it all hit me like a ton of bricks.

Charlotte is working with Alexa, she has to be!

"She's a bit sassy, Flair." Alexa giggled as she approached me and made little kissy lips to make me mad and Alexa succeeded.

However, I didn't react.

Instead, I was focused on Charlotte.

For one, Charlotte is suppose to be my friend, not my enemy!

Two, I thought she hated Alexa.

Three, has she been apart of this the entire goddamn time and I was too stupid to notice?

"C-Charlotte... What? I thought you and Alexa hated each other." I said in a soft tone, looking at my former good friend with big eyes. "I thought you were my friend..."

Charlotte looked at Alexa and started to laugh at me.

At this point I wanted to cry.

Seriously, how dare she!

Flair approached me, smirking.

Before I could say something, she grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her, as her smirk widened from the pleasure she was getting.

"Ha, you see Bayley, we were never friends. Nobody would ever want to be friends with you. I hate you. You took Becky away from me and now it's time for me to get her back." She explained, with a sinister smirk.

"But I thought she was d-dead..." I sobbed.

Charlotte's statement was making me feel nothing but just hurt... She was a great friend to me, or so I thought.

"She is dead." Charlotte confirmed.

"Then wh-"

Before I could finish, Alexa walked up to me and slapped a piece of black duct tape over my lips, making me whimper sadly.

"Go ahead and finish, Flair." Alexa said as she stepped back.

Charlotte nodded and smirked.

Suddenly, she grabbed a fistful of my messy ponytail and pulled me to her as I whimpered underneath the duct tape, afraid of what now Charlotte is going to put me through.

"You see Bayley, I was the last person to see Becky alive before that tragic death of hers," Charlotte began.

God, please help me

"... And she said that she never loved you. As a matter a fact, she thinks you are nothing but a pathetic loser. We all do, Sasha included. We all just felt sorry for you and felt obligated to be friends with you. But honestly, we all hated you, Bay Bay. Believe me, none of them are looking for you."

Those words stung me, hard.

Each word made me sadder and sadder by the second.

Is it true?

The Man's Hugger | Bayley × Becky LynchWhere stories live. Discover now