Twenty Two • The Man's Soft Spot

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"So, why'd you come down here?"

I had no idea why this woman was even here, but I forced myself to be polite because this is the mother of my girlfriend and I didn't need her hating me anymore.

"I told you, young one. I want to find my daughter and I wanted to um... I know I was wrong for the way I spoke to you over the phone a few days ago and I'm sorry. That was out of pocket and disgusting." She began. "That was very wrong and I'm sorry."

Wow, I definitely didn't expect that to come out of Brenda's mouth. But I must say, I appreciated it.

"Thank you." I smiled weakly. "I owe you an apology as well. I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. That was out of line and you didn't deserve that. I've just been so... Depressed? I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy." I confessed.

Brenda sighed as she rubbed her temple softly.

"So Becky, could you please just tell me what happened to my daughter? I have been a mess lately and nobody has told me anything. Not the police, not the principles here, nobody." She said softly.

I can't lie, that made me feel awful. I mean, Steph or Hunter didn't even say anything? That's pretty messed up if you ask me.

"Nobody told you anything?" I asked, still in disbelief.

"Nope, nothing." Brenda confirmed.

"Wow..." I breathed out.

Brenda nodded softly and I sighed.

"Alright..." I had no idea how to tell this woman her daughter has been kidnapped and is currently being tormented by some psychopath.

"Take your time, honey." Brenda said gently, putting a hand on my arm.

Jesus, this was hard for me.

Not only because I'm telling Brenda and I'm afraid she'll judge me, but it's like reliving what happened and that made me feel more awful... And a lot more guilty for what happened.

"Well, I was taking Bayley out for a date because I wanted to just give her the time of her life after all the stress she's been through with becoming a champion... Our date was perfect and she just made my heart skip a beat. It was magical and astonishing to know that I can call her my girl. Holding her in my arms and kissing her... It is the best feeling. We finished our date and came home to go to sleep. We both got dressed in our sleeping stuff and both of us went to the kitchen to grab some water for bed. When we did... People broke in... Familiar people." I paused for a moment, trying to calm myself down before I break down.

"Who are these people?" Brenda asked me, rubbing my back in small soothing circles. "Just take your time Becky, no need to rush."

"Alexa Bliss along with her friends took Bayley... They came in and pulled us away from each other. I don't have a clue on what they did to her... But I know they knocked her out because her head was bleeding. I was brought to my room and taped to my bed and one one of my rivals from high school was the one who did it. He began his torment on me until Alexa Bliss came in and stopped him. They showed me Bayley and... They t-took her." Tears dripped down my cheeks, I couldn't take it anymore.

Brenda looked appalled, but held it in to calm me down.

"Dear God..." She mumbled.

I sniffled as I wiped my tears.

This was awful... I'm telling you, I would never wish this on my worst enemy... Not even Alexa Bliss.

I then glanced at Brenda and sighed, as the tears finally began to stop.

The Man's Hugger | Bayley × Becky LynchWhere stories live. Discover now